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How do I winterize my Jet boat?

How to winterize a jet boat is one of the most frequently asked questions on the forum! The great thing about our boats is how simple they are to maintain! No fluids (in Yamahas) to worry about draining and replacing!

Your owners manual should tell you how to winterize but Here are some threads and info on how to winterize your Yamaha (will apply to other jet boats too):

  1. Winterization Checklist
  2. Winterization Video:
  3. Winterizing a 2 cycle Yamaha
  4. Rotax Engine Winterization
  5. Another winterization video (there are disputes about if you need to fog your engine, if putting anti freeze in your engine does anything etc,)
  6. Another winterization Thread
  7. Another recent (2016) discussion on winterization
  8. Ronnie's 1.8L winterization on you tube https://jetboaters.net/threads/fogging-yamaha-engines-how-to-video.11477/

How to find a leak in your boat

At some time or another we will all discover water in our hulls as our boats have numerous ways (like every boat) for water to get into them. Here are a few threads to check out on finding those leaks:

Ultimate leak finding thread (if you find a leak not listed in this thread, post on the thread and I'll update it)

Intermediate Bearing Leaks

Anchor Locker Drain Leaks

Many new owners have been complaining about finding water in their boats and have narrowed it down to leaking anchor locker drains. The anchor drain gets forced under water when you are driving in a no wake zone (especially with people in the bow), and rather than just going into the anchor locker, water is forced between the inner and outer hull. Here are a few threads to read up on this issue and how to fix it:

  1. https://jetboaters.net/threads/anchor-locker-leaks-in-models-with-current-hull.12266/
  2. https://jetboaters.net/threads/new-ar210-leaking.12003/
Many boats are missing an inner flange and the inside of the anchor locker looks like this:

Check out the ultimate leaks thread too for more leak hunting info.

Is there an FAQ or reference post that indexes lots of great threads? TIP for finding posts!

This FAQ is pretty much a complete listing of a huge number of threads members might find helpful. The thread linked below might have a couple of other posts...but mosts are already here.

TIP--If you are looking for something - try CTRL-F to search the browser page for specific words. On a Droid in Chrome click on the 3 dots in the upper right and click on "Find in Page"

Yes there is! Since this FAQ is a new feature and is under construction you will want to look at the thread linked below. It contains tons of useful links to threads and content about jetboats. Many of these will appear here slowly but surely, but until then:

Current FAQ Thread

Reminder again---a TIP for finding a post in the FAQ rather than reading everything on the page...Hit "CTRL-F" (control Key and the letter F" together - which opens up the "Find" search for most pages and type a word in the window.

How to Fix Gel coat scratches or gouges

I would like a spare set of keys for my Yamaha.

My gas gauge doesn't read right...how to fix?

There are a few reasons this could happen, but the most common problem is with older boats that have a fuel sender that can't handle ethanol. There are two ways to fix this:

  1. Open up your fuel hatch (2003-2006) models (or pull up your floor-2007-2009) and adjust the set screws. The problem with this approach is that ethanol levels may vary, this is is not a good approach.
  2. Replace the fuel sender with a new one that auto recalibrates on fill up. See the following thread for details:

Accessories, blower, radio etc have no power but boat starts

How to delete a Bluetooth device from Connext Screen

There is no way to delete a bluetooth paired device from the Connect Screen.

To accomplish this, hold down the 'MENU' button on the swim deck display for 3 seconds and you'll enter the programming menu. From there you can delete Bluetooth entries and then that applies to the Connext screen as well and you will no longer see them.


How to clean your bilge pump

How to add a Bluetooth Device to new Connext Screen
