Hey Guys,
I want to post up results for the Lucky 13 (L13) pump cone as I just got one and have done a bit of testing this week.
The basic idea with the L13 pump cone is it uses a gradual taper design with higher volume that increases pump pressure and thrust and increases performance. But the bottom line is this:
Jerry hit a home run with this cone, if you are looking to gain holeshot and top speed I would definitely look into these!
Before I installed one on my modified SX190, my biggest complaint was the fact that it would blaze the prop up badly on hard take off, and it got worse after Stage 2 Vtech ECU reflash... After I installed the L13 with all the spacers I noticed the prop spin is almost gone and the boat just jumps out of the water, and plans a lot quicker.
The L13 works great with the OEM impeller!!! Lost only about 100RPM but run at the same speed or at a slight gain. The pump cone made the boat feel different - the pump feels more "loaded" and the steering seems more responsive.
Here it is - with all the spacers in. It is well engineered and feels solid and heavy duty.

Check the difference in OEM and L13 cone sizes - it is substantial.
The install is pretty strait forward. You do not need to remove the impeller housing and wear ring, just remove the steering nozzle and the factory cone.
Before installing the L13 base, pack it with some good grease or slurry.
You can either bolt the L13 straight up with no spacers, or play with different spacers (along with venturi nozzle diameter and impeller pitch).
You need to remove the L13 cone from its base - held by a single A4-70 Stainless Steel, M8 x 80mm Allen bolt. You also need to move the OEM O-ring, which fits the L13.
The base is angled, this means the narrow side of the cone base sits on the top side of the hub. This way the tip of the cone will point into the center of the venturi nozzle after install.
(Picture distorts it a bit, but the cone is in the center of the venturi nozzle opening.)
If the weather holds, I will do more testing. It is not a “one-size-fit-all” panacea for holeshot cavitation issues. For example, when I ran the L13 pump cone with a Solas Concord 13/19 prop, which gives me the worst hole shot cavitation, the cone did not help much for whatever reason. But, after testing with OEM impeller, it was a different story all together. Next up is the Skat impeller, which I am having repitched in the factory - will report here when I get it back.
I am POSITIVE that after playing with the spacers, exit nozzle size, and prop pitch this boat is going to absolutely rock!