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2006 AR 230 Transom remote replacement

Geoff Cooper

Jetboaters Admiral
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They don't last forever and direct replacements are difficult to find and expensive so try this method, Replace with JBL REM 20 Ebay around $30 there are different versions up to $50 but REM 20 does the job no problem


Remove original remote
You need to enlarge the hole to get the new remote to fit, You can also incorperate one of the mounting screw holes from the old remote when you make the hole bigger,
locate the plug connector in the starboard inspection locker and unplug
Cut the cables at the remote end and tie a piece of string to the cable and pull it through from the plug end
Use the existing cable you have pulled through to extend the cable on the new remote as it only comes with a short cable length
Plug the cable back into the socket after you have extended it and check it's working, reconnect the plug to the string and pull through from the locker end.
You don't need to use the metal mounting bracket that comes with the new remote just make the new hole a tight fit and seal with 3m silicon
You only have one small hole to fill from the original mounting so a touch of silicon
Job Done works great.

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