Did you pull the pump out and check it for debris? To do this you have to push in on the tabs, one each side, to release the pump from the filter cage / mount. Once you have it out o perhaps before you’ll see a spot on the side that says push to test, try that to see if the pump functions.
To reinstall push the pump back into the filter screen and make sure it’s locked into the tabs.
After pulling the pump and reinstalling it, put the plugs in your boat and then fill the engine bay up with water, once the water is over the top of the pump it should turn on automatically, if it doesn’t hit the manual switch and see if it pumps the water out. If it works manually but not automatically you’ll need to find the fuse for the auto function, it’s usually near the battery in a single fuse holder that’s mounted to the bulkhead in the battery compartment close to the battery switch. The bilge pump has two separate sources of power, one from the fuse I just mentioned, and the other from the manual switch at the helm, on my boat there is a circuit breaker next to the manual switch.
As far as installing another bilge pump at the lowest point, look in the aft bilge by the clean out plug. I put one in this way
You need to seal the clean out tray after it’s installed by running a bead of silicone / seal and peel around the perimeter this is where the majority of water usually comes from. You’re going to need to pull the clean out tray to install your second bilge pump or just to look where to install it, plus you should check the hose clamps and such that are down in that area for tightness.
Another area to check is the anchor locker drain, check out
@drewkaree ’s post on it here
My posts begin at #118, you’ll see how that drain on my boat was just shoved in with no sealant and water was leaking around that plug and getting in through the gap between the top cap and the hull. My anchor locker drain is very close to the water line so water was constantly flowing in and out of the anchor locker so after replacing the anchor locker drain I put a removable plug in the drain to keep the water out post #125 in that same thread.
Once you’ve either checked or replaced the anchor locker drain and before you seal up the clean out tray, you will want to check the deck drain scupper nut for snugness. A lot of folks including myself have swapped out the oem / factory plastic scupper for a stainless steel one to make sure it doesn’t break and make for a very bad day on the water.
Some of the cup holders on your boat may drain into the bilge as well. You may want to pull the cup holders and seal them to the boat as well, I was getting rain water / wash down water into the bilge from around the unsealed cup holders, check my post #4188 here.
Tired of the engine hatch falling on my head so I installed new engine hatch lift struts. While I was in the boat I also took care of the key switch spinning and installed the block and washers from @Bruce that solves that issue.
After sealing up the clean out tray and checking / fixing the the anchor locker drain you should have a pretty dry bilge after a day on the water, it was a fair amount of work on my boat because I had a couple of other sources that you don’t have, but now I do not get any water out of my boat at the end of the day.