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222XE Dealer fees - how much should they be?


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I'm looking to buy a new 2025 222XE in Florida and the dealer is quoting some numbers that seem very high to me. Does anyone know what reasonable numbers should be?

$3,497 for freight
$1,488 for "set up"
$600 for "dealer fee"
$1,211 for "non-installed parts/labor"

You may want to try Park Marine in the Atlanta area. I’ve purchased from them and their fees are much better. They will also tell you an out the door price over the phone. Should give you a solid indication if you’re paying too much.
Looks like they have everything but the Vaseline Fee in that Quote. I bought in 2020 and didn't pay any setup fees, about 1500 in freight and a mandatory 500$ USCG safety package. I think it is still a buyers market because of the rates, I would definitely shop around.
Seems very high to me, but haven't bought a new boat since 2016
You may want to try Park Marine in the Atlanta area. I’ve purchased from them and their fees are much better. They will also tell you an out the door price over the phone. Should give you a solid indication if you’re paying too much.
Wedowee Marine (AL) beat the OTD I got from Park Marine last year on our 222SE, and they had it in stock. Park Marine was an estimated 6 - 8 week wait.
Park Marine in Atlanta gave me these prices:

$2,899 freight
$1,000 setup (includes all setup)
$495 documentation
$4,394 total dealer fees

I was able to get the Florida dealer to match these prices :)
Park Marine in Atlanta gave me these prices:

$2,899 freight
$1,000 setup (includes all setup)
$495 documentation
$4,394 total dealer fees

I was able to get the Florida dealer to match these prices :)
That's definitely an improvement. Heps to shop.