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A few storage questions, Custom Canvas Bags?


Jet Boat Addict
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Little Rock, AR
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I'm looking for some ideas from others, or examples of what others have done to maximize storage on their boats and protect items.

Table Top & Bow Filler Cushions - I currently have the table top on my 195s stored in a black garbage bag in rear port-side locker (by battery). I'd love to have something like a waterproof canvas type bag to store the tabletop in to protect it and keep it looking nice. These would also be nice for the two bow filler cushions as they always tend to get dirty stowed in the my starboard-side rear locker.

Table Leg - Any good storage mounting options anybody has come up with? Seems it would be nice if the leg could be secured to the underside of one of the bow seats or the underside of a locker and stay put.

Cargo Netting Storage - I've noticed several people have added the cargo setting to the underside of the the bench seats/lockers. However, I haven't been able to locate a good place to buy this in various sizes. I did see that Boat Outfitters has a design your own storage like this with Starboard trim, but I'm not sure on the cost and if it would be worth it on a 19' boat.

Any other storage tips that you have found work well and help you maximize the space on your boat?