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Airhead 2021 Line up


Jetboaters Admiral
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Royal Oak, MI
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Just got an email, as I am sure a lot of you have with Airhead's new boards and Towables. Looks like they are having some sales too.

Saw this one, it looks interesting..... Now I just need @Ronnie to get it and test it out to see how it works :)

Gyro | Airhead

New Products | Airhead
They have some cheap wakesurf boards... wonder how they ride?
Just got an email, as I am sure a lot of you have with Airhead's new boards and Towables. Looks like they are having some sales too.

Saw this one, it looks interesting..... Now I just need @Ronnie to get it and test it out to see how it works :)

Gyro | Airhead

New Products | Airhead
I will ask my son if the gyro is a go or no go. My wife and I won’t be riding in it that is for sure. It looks easier to use than the sumo since the rider doesn’t have to hold the tow rope. My goal with either tube would be to get it or them to roll, like they do in this video. Starting at the 43 second mark. if the rider throws up, I will feel accomplished.

I will ask my son if the gyro is a go or no go. My wife and I won’t be riding in it that is for sure. It looks easier to use than the sumo since the rider doesn’t have to hold the tow rope. My goal with either tube would be to get it or them to roll, like they do in this video. Starting at the 43 second mark. if the rider throws up, I will feel accomplished.

Why are they ruining that GLASS with tubes?! ???
Thanks for the link, I saw they had great sale prices on the jackets but they are unfortunately all out of stock :(
Why are they ruining that GLASS with tubes?! ???
To each his / her own right? We have a wide variety of water toys. For instance skis, knee boards, zups and various tubes. My son and his friends prefer the tubes. It allows them to share the experience.

Here are a few pics of them from a couple years ago.


After looking at these pics, I wonder if my son realizes how much I love him. I’m maybe the Best wingman ever, at least to him. If we switched places I would tell him/my dad not to spend much money on the other water toys. I’d rather play twister with girls in bikinis on the water and/or occasionally push one of my guy friends in at the most entertaining moment possible for purely selfish reasons. “Just trying to save you some money dad.”
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