If I had the money to have a suped-up PC, I'd be a PC gamer, but I settle for the PS4. (In a similar way, if I had the money, I'd have my own airplane. Instead, I settle for a boat.
I've always enjoyed gaming. It's what I do with my downtime. (I'm not much on just "sitting and watching" something unless I'm dead-tired so TV and movies don't really "do it" for me.) I normally play regularly when the weather gets bad (maybe an hour or so at night before bed) but not as much during the summer months.
As of late, I got hooked on Elite: Dangerous. I bought it for the PC (my machine can just barely run it) and then bought it again for the PS4. I also just recently started fooling around with Rocket League - that game turned out to be way more addicting than I expected.
I'm eyeballing Destiny 2 (getting a lot of pressure from the boys on this one as we all love to play Destiny) and the latest COD. Of course with Star Wars Battlefront II coming out in a few days it's going to be tough to decide where to spend my gaming dollars.
I'm also still debating PSVR but I'm afraid of having a console-priced piece of equipment sitting in a cabinet with the cord wrapped around it until the end of time.
I dunno, video games has just been something I've always done. I attribute my engineering degree and my troubleshooting skills to the hours I spent fooling with config.sys and autoexec.bat files back in the early 90's trying to get joysticks and sound cards to function properly with the latest game I had acquired. (The more floppies it was on, the more excited you were to load it up. I remember one that came on 7 3.5" floppies. Boy, was THAT an exciting afternoon of loading software....