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Aug 2023 Meet Up?

Joshua Miller

Jetboaters Captain
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Jacksonville, NC
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Any interest from the group for an August meetup at either Falls or Jordan Lake? Would like to do something before the kids go back to school.
I'm in the mountains that week.
Funny enough, I just posted in the Raleigh thread we should get together before the summer ends. August 23 is a Wednesday so I'm not sure if that's the date you wanted....
Funny enough, I just posted in the Raleigh thread we should get together before the summer ends. August 23 is a Wednesday so I'm not sure if that's the date you wanted....
Sorry I meant to say 2023.. just updated the thread title. My boy goes back to school on the 21st so I would be down for something the weekend prior.
I’d be down. I have stuff happening the weekend of the 12 and 19 though.
August 12 or 13 would be best for me. The following weekend I'll be getting ready to send my daughter back to college and am not sure I'll be boating that weekend.

We could meet up on Falls like we did a couple years ago.
If we're around I'm down. Still trying to plan a trip up to my buddies place at Gaston, but we generally go during the week. I think really only the first weekend we might be out of town.
I vote the 13. I have stuff happening on the 12 until 1-2...by the time I got home and get ready, most the day will be gone.
If we're around I'm down. Still trying to plan a trip up to my buddies place at Gaston, but we generally go during the week. I think really only the first weekend we might be out of town.

Were you at Harris on Sunday afternoon?
Right now, I'm 90-95% good on Sunday, Aug 13 for a meetup. Probably can't do the 12th either
Were you at Harris on Sunday afternoon?
I was out there pretty late working on swapping my bunk. Afterward I drove my boat just outside the no wake zone to jump in cause I was pouring sweat. LOL! Was out there some time around 7ish.
I was out there pretty late working on swapping my bunk. Afterward I drove my boat just outside the no wake zone to jump in cause I was pouring sweat. LOL! Was out there some time around 7ish.

Must not have been you I saw then. Followed a boat like yours leaving the lot around 3:30.
I may be able to do Aug 13th
So.... we doing August 13? How many can make it?

@Julian assuming we do this, where should we meet up? You know the lake the best out of all us.
So.... we doing August 13? How many can make it?

@Julian assuming we do this, where should we meet up? You know the lake the best out of all us.

We always launch from the Highway 50 boat ramp at Falls lake. I "should" be able to make it out, will just have to miss church that morning since it's a drive for us.
The 13th I originally didn't have plans, but appears I'm heading to my parents that day. If that changes I'll see about coming.