Welcome to St.Louis. lakes around the area are Kinkade, Rend Lake, Lake Shelbyville, Carlyle Lake, Mark Twain lake. Some of the Lakes are in Illinois. At the end of July we have a big Gathering at Lake Shelbyville you can look at the thread on here. Very family friendly
Now the river.
If you're on facebook here are two pages to follow.
www.riverbills.com. this website will let you know what the river is doing they have graphs and all that. Right now the river is rising due to all the rain we've had up north. There will probably be some debris in the water but you just got to keep your head on a swivel and look around. We tried to get out on the river as much as possible.
There are tons of marinas all along pool 26 on the Missouri side some of which are private and only accept ramp passes. Others are just $10 to Launch. Pool 26 is Winfield lock down to Alton lock. They have restaurants and sand bars all up and down the Mississippi.
We launched at John's Boat Harbor. For Sandbar action we usually go to two branch. There's also 521 and a few others. If we want to do water sports we run from John's down to the Illinois then up the Illinois River usually to Pierre Marquette or past and the water gets really good for Watersports. The Illinois River does have a slight Little Current but it's more like a lake. Mississippi River you just run the channel you're good. The Illinois is pretty much bank-to-bank but there are areas that they do have marked with the red and green buoys.
We always do a spring and fall Cruise from John's Boat Harbor to Mel's Dockside Restaurant which is in Hardin Illinois and we go by boat. There's several Yamaha owners that boat pool 26. Including us there are five families that all on yamaha's. Any given weekend one or all of us could be out. If you have any questions you can message me and I will try to answer. I was showing the river seven years ago and we fell in love with it. I'm sure I'm forgetting some stuff.
One thing I thought about. The Grafton Oyster Bar has slips that you can rent for I believe $7 a day and you can walk down to the loading dock or another restaurant or hell even eat at the Oyster Bar.