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Call of Duty Mobile anyone?


Jetboaters Fleet Admiral 2*
Staff member
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC 27614
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242X E-Series
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Anyone playing COD Mobile?

If you like FPS games but your hand to eye coordination and learning tons of buttons on console games isn't your thing, COD Mobile may be for you!

I've been playing a few weeks and love it. It takes a while to learn all the amazing customizations you can do, but you can jump in and playing immediately without knowing them.

Most important first step is to hit the gear button and customize where you want your buttons to be. There are 3 important ones.

Next, after you've played a few games you'll gain weapon XP. In the upper right of the weapon build out screen you can use that XP to upgrade a weapon faster.

My name is SkippyAI (it's from a great book series). Friend me there or reply here with your username.
Nope. I gave it a shot on the iPad. The bootcamp was fun but then I was thrown right into a multiplayer game with a 6 man squad. Made me feel anxious and uncomfortable. I made 1 kill, tried to navigate around and said F it. Deleted the app. I need simple shit in my life.
Nope. I gave it a shot on the iPad. The bootcamp was fun but then I was thrown right into a multiplayer game with a 6 man squad. Made me feel anxious and uncomfortable. I made 1 kill, tried to navigate around and said F it. Deleted the app. I need simple shit in my life.
Not for me, not into the multi-player thing. And if i do i want some single player time for a while.