Firstly, go update your location in your profile.
No matter how fine of an abrasive it is, make no mistake, Magic Erasers ARE abrasive. It may be perfectly fine for the area you use it on, or it may be in a spot that doesn't show (which begs the question of why use it there?)
Decide what your attitude will be towards the boat. It may change after your first cleaning, more, or less. Search around here, there's a wealth of info.
My preferences now:
303 is great for the interior
Boat Juice (green) is great for quick cleaning right after pulling it out
Hot Sauce used to be my preference before boat juice, but I don't like smelling like a douche, even if I am one
CRC6-56 gets sprayed on the pumps and anywhere I want to limit corrosion
Simple green for the rear swim platform, any "purple" degreaser if Simple Green isn't enough
Find the toilet bowl cleaner recipe around the forums here for cleaning the Hull below the water line, may have been posted by
@MrBubbaGump, can't recall
Aquapel or Rain-X for the glass (I like Aquapel for my cars, using up my Rain-X on the boat, and may have found another cheaper solution vs Aquapel)
303 Fabric Guard for the mooring cover
303 Graphene for the exterior "wax" (used to be Rejex, still like it, but prefer the 303)
You will have to figure out what products you like best, so look for smaller sizes of things, and spend the extra for those sizes while you "sample" things. It's worth the higher cost for smaller sizes so you don't feel "stuck" with a product just because you spent a lot for the better deal
No product is perfect, someone will have issues with it, so play with all the suggestions you'll get, and see, around here, and decide what you like. Go try to find these suggestions, smell them, look for smaller sizes, etc.
Spray your trailer with Bifenthrin if you hate spiders like
@Coult45 , it can be found for $20, and use 1oz per gallon of water, in a sprayer.