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Cockpit/Helm speakers 252SD


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Hey all, can’t find any posts on here that detail if someone has added speakers on their 252 and 255 boats closer to helm. Wondering about location and also depth from outter fiberglass. I have a 2023 252SD and don’t like not being able to hear music well why underway in the helm area. Pictures would be appreciated! I am trying to avoid drilling a hole into the upholstery panels and mount them instead down low on each side. The speakers I would be installing have a mounting depth of 2.4”
We had the same concerns. I’ve seen it done multiple times so there shouldn’t be any concerns but always double your depth. Easiest way to look for shortest depth when opening rear seats and looking forward.

We ultimately ended up with a WetSounds soundbar on the tower to fill in middle of the boat sound.
Yea, I know it can be done just want to find the best spot with depth but also to go low if I can to avoid having to drill a giant hole through the upholstery. On my boat there’s an upholstered panel there with stitching. I’ve seen some guys install speakers into it … I just prefer not to.

I was thinking about going with the soundbar, I just wish there was a non amplified version. Idk how I feel about a self amplified soundbar and overtime with it being exposed if the elements shorten its lifespan.
Does anyone have pictures of their install or a general how to? I know it’s not necessarily rocket science but just want to get a general idea of what I’m getting into before I put a 5” hole on the side of my boat 😂