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Finally went ropeless !!


Jetboaters Admiral
Staff member
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Corinth, TX (DFW)
Boat Make
Boat Model
Boat Length
6' and 185 lbs, using a 5'6 Liquid Force fish with 400 lbs on the back deck, 400 lbs under the rear port seat and 800lbs on top of the rear port seat and about 300lbs of passengers.

No videos or pictures yet, I'm waiting for my friend to send them but it was very fun. A lot like snowboarding but a lot "looser".

It wasn't Bobbie's 30 minute run but it was a good 2-3 minutes, from the moment I let go of the rope it became much easier. It was my last run of the day so I hope I formed some kind of muscle memory for next time and it wasn't just dumb luck! I did intentionally widen my stance a lot more than normal and I think that helped.

My friend who is about the same size was also able to go ropeless on his second try.
I have learned that going ropeless depends just as much on your technique as it does the size of the wave. Smaller waves require a center of balance much farther forward on the board.
Great job @Scottintexas !! when we started going ropeless we were celebrating a 45 sec ride. the longer rides will start coming soon!
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