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Had enough! Anchor locker hatch.


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Low Country Ga.
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I didnt see alot of people online adressing this issue. I took matters into my own hands in an effort to undo yamaha's bone head design.


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Nice! It looks like the OG hinge you just left hanging after disconnecting from the boat? Also what hinge did you use for the left side? Any other gotchas or hints to doing this?

I was looking at another post where they just made the rear hinge come apart so you could remove the hatch but I would rather do like you did.
Is there a reason you left the original hinges on vs filling the holes with 5200 and sanding it down?

Love the mod! Don't know what Yamaha was thinking having it hinged they way they did! Next up...put a gas strut on it....maybe reuse those holes???
yes, great job @Dixemon! can you link the parts/measurements for the rest of us as I would love to convert mine for next year!
Awesome - Great Job - The only ding I have in my new fsh 195 is from trying to get the anchor up with chain on it because of the way the hatch opens. This mod is now on my bucket list.

So I left the original hinges on because ascetically it made more sense. The hinges sit in a recess that is further highlighted by the Sea-deck, so it basically would look stupid, in my opinion to remove them. If you really had time you could fill with polyester resin, sand it out and finish it. Then get a piece of sea deck cut without the hinge cutouts.
The hinge i used: Amazon.com: Thorn Boat Butt Door Hinge Stainless Steel Marine Cabinet Window Hardware Lift-Off Pair of 2 : Sports & Outdoors
Im not necessarily happy with the hinge, i had to mill a 1/16 off the faces of the hinge. It was too thick to have a uniform gap around the hatch. I was looking for a hinge that was about 3/16 thick when it was closed, this one is about 1/4 thick. Honestly i may continue searching for another hinge, i didn't think until after i installed but, i am going to look at some of the other hinges on the boat and buy a set that i think will work. I like the tensioned hinges.
Some of the other take aways. The hinge to hull attach point needs screws with nuts, not quite thick enough to hold a screw effectively in that area. also, you will need some starboard, cheap cutting board or the likes to make a few ledges like in the above picture. the hatch will need support when the OG hinges are disconnected. A few small clamps will def make the install easier.
So, i know this isn't the answer everyone was looking for as far as a complete guide with parts break down. But i feel it could be done better, so i dont want to be definitive in my recommendations. But Hey, it works!
I didnt see alot of people online adressing this issue. I took matters into my own hands in an effort to undo yamaha's bone head design.

Dude that’s awesome! I’m kinda motivated to correct the hatch opening direction after my anchoring folly at Lake Powell…

Well Done!
Used it this weekend for the first time. Worked like a dream, no awquard deployment or retrieval of the anchor any longer, admiral and slaves seem to like it.
Nice job! :winkingthumbsup"

You would think that whomever designs the boat, would actually try in out. Yamaha is not the only manufacturer to so this! :rolleyes:

I didnt see alot of people online adressing this issue. I took matters into my own hands in an effort to undo yamaha's bone head design.
After being inspired by your modification, I just completed mine using a 2" Stainless Continuous Hinge. The hinge is not quite as rigid as I had hoped but its not bad enough to chnge it out yet.


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After being inspired by your modification, I just completed mine using a 2" Stainless Continuous Hinge. The hinge is not quite as rigid as I had hoped but its not bad enough to chnge it out yet.

Where did you get your hinge?

@Dixemon Did you ever find a diffrent hinge for your anchor locker? My piano hinge is distorting when he hatch is open from the twisting caused by the stopping cable.
After being inspired by your modification, I just completed mine using a 2" Stainless Continuous Hinge. The hinge is not quite as rigid as I had hoped but its not bad enough to chnge it out yet.
On my last outing I noticed the piano hinge was getting quite bent which was my final straw and I found this stainless hinges on Amazon whch worked buch better


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On my last outing I noticed the piano hinge was getting quite bent which was my final straw and I found this stainless hinges on Amazon whch worked buch better
Do you have a link to those hinges?