Not quite there yet on E-bikes either...... but definitely interested. For commuting for SURE. The new SR/F looks the business and definitely does cover all my bases-but i don't need a bike, and the price is still a bit "much" lol I think the next gen of electric bikes is going to be better and the choice will be more difficult though.. I agree on the Rivian being an even bigger game changer.... If they can hit their price point. I love the motor on every wheel idea... I'm curious on that Tesla pickup too....
I'm 99.99999% certain our next vehicle will be electric... Just not sure which we'll need next. the commuter or the tow vehicle. I dont really care about the newest best thing or status quo... just proven tech. We keep vehicles for awhile.
Now, If we're window shopping bikes and money is part of the equation, the one that has me salivating the most....
the as-yet not fully revealed fully 2020 Ducati streetfighter with a 208 hp v4!
will I buy it? Ohhhh....prob not lol but Ill be damned if i'm not daydreaming about the noise it will make.
my riding is subdued these days. Relaxed.... longer distance or commuting.
Cant wait to watch the Long Way Up or whatever theyll call it... Ive watched the other two multiple times.... Adding to it the testing of the tech... it will be way cool.