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SWAG Jetboaters.net LOGO Sticker Sale


Jetboaters Fleet Admiral
Staff member
Reaction score
Naples Florida
Boat Make
Boat Model
Boat Length
To order logo stickers send an email to jetboaterslogo ((AT)) gmail ((DOT COM)). Send this email from the email your paypal account is registered to. DO NOT SEND PAYPAL MONEY TO THIS EMAIL ADDRESS. I WILL SEND YOU AN ADDRESS TO MAKE THE PAYMENT TO.

Make sure the following info is in your email:

1. Your name and mailing address in a 3or4 line stacked format
2. What stickers you are ordering and the quantity
3. The $ amount of your order $2.00 per sticker
4. Your jetboaters.net screen name

I will reply to your email with the email address to send $ to via PayPal. Choose the "send money to friends and family option". Once payment is received I will ship out your order via USPS. Larger orders may require extra postage. If I run out of any design, I will reorder and ship them when the reorder arrives (usually 7 days).

Sample order:

Joe Jetboater
1414 Jetboating Lane
Jetting, FL. 12345

5) Red Stacked logo
1) White Standard logo

Here are the 6 options currently available:
Sizes are listed in the pics.

Black Stacked logo:

White Stacked logo:

Red Stacked Logo:

Orange Stacked Logo:

Black Standard logo:

White Standard logo:

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What is the price? Same price for any type/color? In your sample order it looks like $2 each but I wanted to confirm before placing order. Also is there not a Red "Standard" style? I only see Red in the "stacked" style.
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@Murf'n'surf Just so I understand, will the stickers include the white or black background?
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email sent!
Sorry. Price was overlooked during re typing. ALL ARE $2.00 SHIPPED
@Suchawittygal The stickers look just as pictured above. Not the big square but they die cut to follow the shape of the logo.
@maboat there is no red standard logo at this time. Maybe when I have to reorder the other stickers, I will have a red standard logo made.
@maboat there is no red standard logo at this time. Maybe when I have to reorder the other stickers, I will have a red standard logo made.
Yes would like that as well. I'm going to measure some stuff up on my boat and get my order placed for the stickers that are available.
order placed!!
Please don't be alarmed if I don't shoot you a reply right away. I will be working on this as I get time throughout the week ahead.
Email sent, thanks for putting this together!
You're the man!!! Order placed. It will be an early Christmas this year.