Jet Boat Addict
- Messages
- 137
- Reaction score
- 240
- Points
- 92
- Location
- Wind Lake WI
- Boat Make
- Yamaha
- Year
- 2006
- Boat Model
- AR
- Boat Length
- 23
My wife
isn't she lovely...
Told me I had to sit on the couch today as I was trying to “be a teenager with my teenagers” this weekend on the boat, my 47 year old back is sore, so instead of working on projects I thought I’d write up the new to us boat mods so far.
***Notice this is NOT a How do I do that Thread….just what I did thread..if you want to learn all this stuff, google it, search in on Jetboater’s net…as theres probably already a long detailed thread with pictures to do anything you want to learn or see that I did here. Or You Tube it….if they can teach how to build a gun out of plastic PVC on you tube that a 5 year old can make…than you can search you tube how to install a battery charger on your boat.
This probably won’t be a complete list of fixes additions changes and it may be redundant from other AR230 builds…but maybe it can help one or 2 with my experiences.
I’ve been an owner of I believe 18 boats in the past 27 years if you include my canoes and kayaks and power boats. From the first power boat 1987 Glastron to today’s new to us
2006 Yamaha AR 230.

As a financial advisor I would ADVISE against owning a boat. They are hole in the water you throw money into. But if you must own a boat the advice I give for ALL toy’s to my clients is,,,if you can’t pay cash for the toy, don’t buy the toy.
Since I have 3 teens, a large house, too many hobbies with 4 snowmobiles a 30 foot enclosed trailer, a nice truck to tow all the toys, and lots of trap guns to shoot clay birds in the spring and fall. My toy collections is diverse…but that didn’t leave enough cash to spend the same on a boat as my first house cost (80 grand). So my budget was 18 to 24 K. We sold our Hurricane Fundeck GX 201 to move to the Yamah AR 230. The Hurricane was one helluva boat but the Yamaha was going to allow us to do more watersports but most importantly allow my 15 yr old daughter who has Muscular Dystrophy the ability to climb on and off the boat easier and get on to a tube and off a tube much easier. So we searched for 3 years till I found the right AR 230 in October of last year. I wanted a 2006 because I wanted A. Back storage area’s could open from back deck (LOVE IT) 2 captains chairs(LOVE IT), and all ECU and MR1 issues pretty much gone….the back hinge on swim platform was redesigned on the 2006 so water does NOT enter the engine bay over the ECU’s, mine were bone dry and looked good as new….so did the engine bay for that matter. Who the heck buys boats in October right?
So we negotiated it down to 18K knowing I was going to have many projects,fun and some costlyitems, but I’d rather use my brain and my body doing hobby boat mods than sit in front of the TV any day of the week.
So we held on to 2 boats all winter, brought the Hurricane home and sold it on 24 hours on Facebook Marketplace. I got out of it what I put into it and we used it for 6 years! Not bad! That boat went everywhere and we used it hard and fast….like my first teenage girlfriend that let me push her to its limits (I can say that now cause now she’s my wife of 27 years).
Bought boat, it looked clean and I knew it would need work, just not sure what. I took a gamble (financial advisor say you should NEVER gamble!) thinking buy for 18….if I stick 4 to 5K into it…I come out with an like new AR 230 that isn’t as cool as the new boats,,,but its paid for I can buy all the toys I want for it and it won’t hurt my bank or credit rating. My 3rd boat we bought too much boat for my income and I had payments for 3 years…that sucks in a state where you can only use that boat really for 4 months out of the year…but the payments keep coming year round.
So at the end of this thread..I’ll know if I spend more than my allotment I made on that cold October day in a driveway in 5 minutes that I made the deal for the 18K boat.
So what did we do and what were the costs broken down.
Drove it home in November on dry rotted Tires that made my A&&H@le Pucker as I drove 1.5 hours to my house from where I bought the boat, no brakes, and one blinker working….but we made it home! Let the moneypit of costs begin!
I did most of my research on this forum before I made each and every decision on my products..if your looking for similar items….search almost any tag word in and you’ll find some thread. I tried to not leave many threads/questions on purpose…as almost every answer I needed I could find on a existing thread forum.
I use F150 Forum for my F150 Mods, Doo Talk for my Ski Doo Snowmobile Mods, and by far jetboater’s. net gives the most detailed way’s to do things, fix things and find answers to most problems ( I think its a lot of husbands married over 20 years trying to stay out of there wives way…so they help here). I’m done working with MOST boat mechanics and ALL Dealers…in Wisconsin they can’t get it back to us fast enough in our short season,, charge and insane amount and most mechanics can’t work on boats all year here so they don’t get good at the boats….all reasons to search here, find answers and fix it yourself in faster time!
MO MONEY, MO MONEY (and lots of time) I should also preface with the amount of Amazon ordering I did they should give me a minor stockholders share in the company.
1. Tires, in long run just ended up buying 4 radial rated tires from Walmart GoodYear Marathon.. Enough said…there are long tire threads on here….my eyes would water and I’d fall aslepp reading them, nothing sexy about tires. $500
2. Spare tire with correct bolt pattern, Took it from my old boat and trailer, if you don’t travel with a spare tire you’re an idiot and Karma will get you. Free to move to this boat but cost WAS $65
3. LED lights and replaced all wiring for trailer with the 5 pin connector. $37
4. Rusted out bolts…wish I would have shared a picture of the bolts holding the bunks after 13 years they were rusted skelotons of bolts. DON’t leave your bunk bolts of our old boats the bunk bolts broke loose…when did we find out…when we were power loading in the dark far from home the bunk rolled off the weld and the metal brace gouged one of my boats badly….DON”T be me. Maintain your bunks and bolts. Like 30 bolts I think galvanized maybe $10?
5. Front roller support Bolts, through bolted the front roller support with 3 stainless bolts 3.5 inches thinks? I’m also adding a welded front support in the next 2 weeks once my welder can get to it and adding a step I’ll ad pictures. The angle iron cost me all of $10 and the Welders gonna charge me $25.
6. Stoltz Bow Roller the 4 inch version which fit perfectly on my 06 with no Mods. Can’t find link ordered it from, it was like $45
7. Brakes,
Bearings, Bearing Buddies, Brake Line. Follow the link it gives many details for an 06. Including my Mechanics time (I didn’t feel like doing this project myself when I have a mechanic relative that works on trailers for a living. Cost $750 including labor costs.
8. Boat Tie Downs. These Rot out. They look strong but trust me they rot out. Replace them every few years. Cost $23
9. Galvanized Trailer cable emergency stop, Hardware store new hardware purchase $10 If every I don’t know remember what something costs I say its $10….that way my story is the same every time…and hey…who’s wife gets mad for there husband spending $10.00…None if they do…its time to file with the court.
Trailer now good as new. ** for those of you that complain about the MFI trailer…let me tell you. In my 10-12 powerboats I’ve owned and 2 pontoon boats I’ve owned I’ve NEVER experienced a better fit of trailer to Boat. Most trailers are NOT designed for the boat dimensions, they are FITTED For the dimensions and they all have there problems. We do a lot of trailering to launches..and the launch process is easy as pie with this trailer. Me and my boys can pull up to a launch, take off all buckles dunk it and be pulling off the dock in one minute flat…like a well oiled pit crew….and not being an assh@le at the launch…do all your PRE work like the plug and Yamaha impeller plugs AWAY from the launch!
Getting boat back on trailer is VERY simple…in cross winds, behind winds, farting winds, whatever type of wind or current and you DON’T need those PVC boat guides with this trailer…all you simply have to do is put the fenders at the top of the water…maybe leave 1 inch out of the water on the front of the fender If you don this you will have maybe 2 feet of bunk showing on the front of the trailer out of the water as well.…pull your boat will SELF LEVEL on the bunks…attach strap, crank and or power load. Me and the boys can do this in 90 seconds flats and get the H&LL off the launch for others to use….Don’t be a launch hog….THINK before you launch and before you pick up. Think 3 to 5 steps ahead and everything will go smoothly. Rant on launch over.
I wasn’t always this good, First boat at 21 years old, 85 Glasstron with wife. Took us forever for me to back up trailer…the worst…when I backed up the trailder to get the boat I got the trailer UNDER pier pylons and the pier!!!! I mean super stuck….HOLY pissed off boaters..I didn’t know what to do…4 angry boaters on testoeron finally jumped in the water to pull out my heavy ass trailer from the pier and pylon while I spun the tires at warp speed in a NON 4x4 Maroon Red Grand Marquis rear wheel drive. We got it off the launch and as my wife and I were pulling away I think the whole launch site went up in a cheer that idiot non boater (can you believe he tought he could pull an 18 foot runabout with a V8 rear wheel drive car?) left the park. I didn’t show up at that launch again the rest of the season.
Now I try to help the newbies….if they aren’t A$$H@les.
Water protection;
1. Cover. I had a custom mooring and trailer cover made in December thinking I’d get a better deal in Wisconsin when the boat upholster’s are slower. I looked for an upholster playing the best Mexican Marriaci music, who’s mother taught him to sew in the old country. I got exactly that, the absolute BEST handmade mooring cover with ripstop fabric. I don’t remember what the name of it is…but its as light as 18 yr girls thongs, has plenty of snaps around the boat, separated out bow cover so we can run in the fall with more protection, separate rear area which covers down to the sea deck platform and is vented. It can be stowed away in small areas on the boat..but the best is rip proof, the upholstery cut a piece off for us…cut that piece half way down the middle and told me to tear it in half with all my strength. I couldn’t do it, not one extra tear…and my masculinity was in question by my wife in front of my new Mexican upholsterer who told my wife he could teach her to dance Rico Suave style. He got $1,200 from me…I kept my wife….in hindsight I should have seen if she could have “negotiated” down that price…but I don’t think she would have gone for the cost savings…yes you heard right..I paid $1,200 for a cover…and this is the 3rd one they’ve made me..I have them make ONE for each boat..and I NEVER have to have one made again….EVER. It can be trailered down the road, left on the pier, moored, have snow piled on top of it, I won’t rip, mold, mildew and lets the boat breath. Worth every Penny. If you want to find out the name of the Fabric, Call Kendors
Pictures to follow later
2. Boat gel coat. In high school I did High End Automotive portering (cleaning and waxing rich peoples cars). Don’t make it rocket science…its elbow grease, time and muscles….I’ve had the BEST luck with starting my removing all oxidation etc using;
a. The Works toilet bowl cleaner and gloves, don’t get it on your fabric but google how to apply it to boats. A few brushes help a lot.
b. A pressure washer comes in very handy to get a boat looking good but than once per year I spend 6 hours, put on my best American flag thong and go to town while I play a selection of show tunes. In all seriousness…use these products elbow grease a rotary polisher and time and your boat will look like the day you bought it. It plain old works!!!! $120

3. Upholstery, Our’s was in Grade B- to B plus shape. A lot of time and runined clothing for the wife as she did this project…but this took out ALL Stains from the upholstery and it looks 95% of original. I won’t use ANY other chemical’s Ive tried them all over the years and I want something that is strong, mildew resistant but wont ruing the threads in the fabric. $32
4. All plastic, Armor All or 301 whatever you got that won’t add costs the the money pit.
5. This is a MUST! I use this stuff on all my boat seats that start to get tears in the seams, random cuts etc…I can put it on and it adheres and holds to the imperfection my last boat we did it 7 years earlier when we got it and Not one area I used VLP did it come loose. YES over time it will yellow a bit…but I’ll take a bit of yellowing over paying to have the boat rehupolstered. We use this same stuff on ATV”S, Leather car seats and our snowmobiles if they ever get a tear…Also this stuff can be used on inflatable for towing. Every Tow tube will get a tear over time…it just happens..sand, mini rocks, that one time you ran a guy into a pier on accident the guy was ok but the tube not so much…just use this stuff. I always keep a tube on the boat. I was thinking of becoming a surgean…but only if I could use this product only. I think it would hold up on most breaks and sutures. $7.00 Best money spent. yes picture is after its sealed and NO nothing will tear that apart.

6. Those damn rivets! I took all rivets that hold the carpet in place. In Wisconsin the white decking on our last 3 boats never got hot, its super easy to come home and Pressure wash out the boat of The Mud, the Blood and the Beer (random Johnny Cash quote), fill the holes with 2 part Marine Expoxy, no more rivets to step on as your dancing in the boat to Sweet Caroline (bump bum bummmmmmm). Hard ware store $10
Sea Deck Removal
Took the old shit off using a pretty good system.
1. Get a propane torch with igniter, start at back of old decking, get a VERY good thicker scraper, heat up the decking material and scape from underneath, I got so good at the end that everything came up in solid pieces that you can now enjoy for the low low price of $150. If you’d like 13 year old Sea Decking just send the money to my paypayl.

2. Rubber Gloves and “The works toilet boat cleaner, Put on old decking let it sit a while. Than scrub with a brush and than go over again with a Green Brillow Pad. 99% of the old stuff will come up. This is acidid and if you lean your shirt into it it WILL BURN YOUR NIPPLES…ask me how I know! Once your nipples are good and red, turn on the Pressure washer and work middle of boat to back..spraying all chemichals OFF The boat not INTO The boat. It’s best to do this at the end of your driveway and not leave chemichals and old adhesive residue in your driveway. This process from torch to clean deck ready for sea deck install only 3 hours. After all residue is off as I was installing pieces of the Sea Deck I would use Acetone to clean the area one more time before than following Sea Deck install instructions using blue tape. That part is easy…and the most satisfying. All Chemical costs…of above and supplies like rubber gloves etc….maybe $50 total.

Sea Deck Install.
Went with a Grey my wife picked out and a few extra pieces Will had at Jet Boat Pilot. After all the hard working prepping I would NEVER want to go with the cheaper stuff out there. Summer’s too short to deal with inferior products..and everything that has been on my Sea Deck so far has come right off…when I look at Algae that sticks to every part of my trailer, bunks and tires..NOT on Sea Deck…dirt..washes right off. I think we are going to leave the interior just with the white decking as it looks so clean and is easy to pressure wash off when we get home Still wasn’t cheap though..I think with the extra pieces I bought we spent like $500 total

Interior. Luckily I have a 1,000 square foot garage, the single stall opening is 10 wide, 8 tall and 30 deep, so I could work on a lot of the projects on the boat at night in the garage, my wife would yell out How’s it going and for 5 weeks straight I’d yell back “almost finished!” She thinks I should name the boat “Almost Finished” I’m gonna look good rocking the thong on that Sea Deck dancing for all the ladies that go by.

Yes, yes that is me trying to get my wife all hot and didn't work. AND NO , NO...YOU CANNOT unsee that!
Interior upgrades…Man where to begin
Cleaning interior. Pressure washer…and go to town….once buy pressure washer = free
Drain Holes. Most of mine had wasp nests build in them. I shoved the pressure washer down all em and blasted em out…the tubing its connected too handled the pressure just fine. = free
Battery and Charging
Ripped out all old battery boxes, checked all wires, re crimped some new ends and installed 2 new battery boxes and the BIGGEST starter battery don’t remember size and the Biggest Deep cycle DC31 Battery to run separately the Stereo, amp, sub and Lowrance Hook 5 Map/Fish Finder.
2 Batteries, Boxes, and fuse breaker shut off stereo amps, fish finder = $340 total

Noco Battery Charger and outstide hull outlet. Honestly if your going to run multiple batteries this is the easiest best way to keep batteries in tip top shape. When we bring the boat home it get’s plugged in simple as that.
Cost $180 total

My neighbor wondered why I had a blue electrical chord attached to the side of the boat. I told her it was a new to us Electrical boat…like a car. She believed me, I told her we could go as far as we wanted…we just needed a REALLY long electric chord…she STILL believed me. She asked where I got a chord that long. I said Harbor Freight has them. Her husband was going there that afternoon and wanted to know if they could pick me up any extra chord…great neighbor. She is 80 and I can be a bit of an asshole.
Stereo. I have 3 degrees, an associate in Audio installation, a Double Bachelors in Mass Communication and Finance, a Master’s Degree in Partying (if you call being in bed most nights by 9:30 and giving up almost ALL Libations even on weekends) and my current licensing as a Financial Advisor…BUT one of my favorite things to do, that is actually relaxing to me is stereo installs and electrical. In College to pay for College I worked for a master amphitheater audio install company and owned Mobile DJ companies, designing my systems from scratch, DJ’ing weddings longer than most marriages in America last. once I had a little money I moved onto Car’s and now boats. My opinion on boat Stereos…yes some of you may be the DJ for the whole bay and yes some of you may be all tatted up surfing to Slip Knot like a new version of Patrick Swayze in Point Break….but us, I wanted clear, clean sound so when teens take the boat they can hear it Wakeboarding, we could crank it up on the sand bar if we want……but most of the time it would be at 25% volume and I wanted decent sound…And it had to do al that for my budget of $1000 or less. AND it had to NOT consume a ton of power.
So first off. The amperage with two 100 Watt Amps and a Large DC31 Deep Cycle Battery running at 80% volume…which the way it sounds at that level will make your ears bleed in the boat. Would be able to run 6 to 8 hours straight. Now we all know we won’t run 80% at 8 hours…so it’s gonna last a LOT LOT longer…and it sounds fantastic for a open cockpit. With a Degree in this stuff let me tell you..if you want the best of the best on a boat you are going to spend a fortune as you can’t control acoustics on the water, you need a ton of subs..and fiberglass and vibrations go hand in hand….So, I had specifics. 6.5 speakers, an enclosed ported sub so that it was already tuned to the enclosure correctly, the ability to use my phone to control all aspects and the ability to leave my phone in the boat while sitting on the back, on a sand bar on the dock etc. and still control the music, but I didn’t want to re run wired remotes as they all have there plus and minus’s. So what I ended up with was a VERY clear, Clean Deep sounding system without too much boominess. It was done for less than $1,000, and will let my 2 batteries shine without killing them over a long 4 day weekend of playing music.
I’ve been an Audiophile for 30 years. And JL Audio would be my Go To in All cases right now. In the past there were other brands that were perfect on all fronts…right now that company is JL Audio. I couldn’t do my entire boat for that price under $1000.
Speakers, So I picked the most important item which is the speakers themselves from JL, I wouldn’t buy from anywhere BUT crutchfield. I found 2 open box items of these for a total of 4 speakers. They are being powered by a teeny tiny 100 watt amp and they CRANK almost as good as my Car Stereo JL’s that are TRI Amped with 3000 watts! Cost $400 or so

Head Unit I researched and looked and looked and kept coming back to this one. A. It had a small built in 100 watt amp..and I mean small finger shows you the size, B. It was Marine Proof C. The Sony Amp is Really good and creating whats called a R.T.A. Real Time Analyzer (RTA LIGHT)environment giving enough bells and whistles to tweak the acoustics of the boat to your music and placement of sub speakers etc. on this can all be done on your phone from there app. C. The app, volume, pause etc could all be controlled from my phone next to me driving as with the 2006 the stereo is on the opposite side. D. If I decide to ad a JL amp and Tower speakers at a later date I can ad on to this system with component outs in the back. Stereo and a new deck mounting plate were needed and NO I won’t explain how to do all the G*d D&MN wiring that had me swearing like a sailor! $218.00

Subwoofer. As stated I wanted a Tuned enclosed ported box and ended up with the PERFECT solution for a 2006 that has extra openings in the back storage (love those openings). I bought a Bazooka amplified sub that was 10 inches only. I added some screw spacers with appliance balances on the bottom, put the sub on its end with the sub firing downward for A. NO HIT IT WITH ANYTHING IN STORAGE..B. Downward firing into carpet to help with vibration dampening C. Open area for Air to be exchanged with the sub D. out of the way of 99Percent of all water that could touch it, especially the speaker! I put the Sub controller wired right through to the deck so that passenger can turn bass up or down easily without if it started to get muddy etc. without farting around with the deck or app. This design I created surpassed all hopes…It won’t rattle my Grandma’s teeth out (She’s dead so that would be gross) but it makes a lot of Caribbean music, 70’s, Techno, and good Wakeboarding Rock sound GREAT! Best part it is in an area of the boat Seldom used….UP…UP is FREE space behind the rear can’t store much there…when I strapped it to the sideboard seat I added some Foam Noodle on both back side where it was near the Hull to make it even more rigid and rattle proof,,kind of like a subwoofer radiator…look it up…it’s a thing..we used em in DJ School 101 all the time. I pat myself on the back for this design. Bought an Open Box one for $230.

Fuse Breaker, Ran all this of 8 Guage Red Wire into a Fuse block panel so that if it blows a fuse…just press the button, restart it and go back to singing Cost $11 I’m sure I had other Electrical parts..but I’m tired and Gassy….and can’t think straight. On a side note just like a boat shut off switch with this $11 breaker I can shut the power off instantly from the Deep Cycle to all times running on it. Simple Elegant Solution.

What a pain in the ass! Lots of hours..more than probably worth it, but in some ways I got in my mojo heat shrinking and soldering mode and went to town. NO I won’t tell you how to install these either. But what I did do was run my leads from the 2 lights by the Throttle and Passenger cub holder, all lights ran from there. Essentially I placed Blue Water proof LED’s I’ve used in other projects throughout the boat to give good coverage, One Blue light at the back that will be Right under or near the water line to give underwater or jet wash spray lights and White Waterproof lights in the back storage areas, and both compartments Port and Starboard to give lighting for storage. Results turned out GREAT. NO I did not need changing color lights or color controlers…more SH*T to break and on a boat you want easy. NO I did not do your rainbow bright colored speaker lights that dance to the sound of the Marcarana…this is a Yamaha Jet boat and we do some refined things with a touch of class and BLING. You can start a whole rant on “blue lights are illegal in some states as it could be tought of as the cops” my blue lights really can’t be seen from outside the hull and if a cop pulls me over in Wisconsin if you give him a Local Craft Brew and a Block of Wisconsin Cheese they let you off with a warning.
Items that make this install WAY and I mean WAY easier is this stuff…NO I’m not going to teach you how to do it! This was enough for all my connections. Cost $21
This Wire Cost $10,,think I bought 2 packes..I definitely used all wire and ran cleanly hidden along channel ways and speaker wire lines.
These lights in blue I did 5 in the boat, one on the back near the scupper and NO I won’t tell you how to get wire back there! That one in the water is separately fused so it would blow the water led and NOT the 5 others if underway. Cost Like $40

These white ones for in the storage areas…get them HIGH and they beam downward really bright light, great for end of the night “get your shit off my boat, in my storage areas and leave a tip, thank you and good night” used a total of 4 Cost like $25

looks messy but very very organized...that trash can is from the container store and bungied on 2 sides to stay in place with a bag to pull garbage..goes almost top to bottom of storage are like its made for here! on the boat and need to the back throw it in, keep on moving..out of everyones way! The toolbox right next to it....perfectly fills floor leaving no gap for sliding with all the esentails. All Bungie cleat ropes stowed back here..always know where your cleat ropes are..and out of everyones way. just have someone open the area grab the ropes and cleat away! LOVE this back open storage are on my 2006...sooo user friendly!!! Ad a throwable, 2 extra small anchors and room for more!

Easily find your stuff..people bring back packs on our boat...this is where they shelving needed

Told me I had to sit on the couch today as I was trying to “be a teenager with my teenagers” this weekend on the boat, my 47 year old back is sore, so instead of working on projects I thought I’d write up the new to us boat mods so far.
***Notice this is NOT a How do I do that Thread….just what I did thread..if you want to learn all this stuff, google it, search in on Jetboater’s net…as theres probably already a long detailed thread with pictures to do anything you want to learn or see that I did here. Or You Tube it….if they can teach how to build a gun out of plastic PVC on you tube that a 5 year old can make…than you can search you tube how to install a battery charger on your boat.
This probably won’t be a complete list of fixes additions changes and it may be redundant from other AR230 builds…but maybe it can help one or 2 with my experiences.
I’ve been an owner of I believe 18 boats in the past 27 years if you include my canoes and kayaks and power boats. From the first power boat 1987 Glastron to today’s new to us
2006 Yamaha AR 230.

As a financial advisor I would ADVISE against owning a boat. They are hole in the water you throw money into. But if you must own a boat the advice I give for ALL toy’s to my clients is,,,if you can’t pay cash for the toy, don’t buy the toy.
Since I have 3 teens, a large house, too many hobbies with 4 snowmobiles a 30 foot enclosed trailer, a nice truck to tow all the toys, and lots of trap guns to shoot clay birds in the spring and fall. My toy collections is diverse…but that didn’t leave enough cash to spend the same on a boat as my first house cost (80 grand). So my budget was 18 to 24 K. We sold our Hurricane Fundeck GX 201 to move to the Yamah AR 230. The Hurricane was one helluva boat but the Yamaha was going to allow us to do more watersports but most importantly allow my 15 yr old daughter who has Muscular Dystrophy the ability to climb on and off the boat easier and get on to a tube and off a tube much easier. So we searched for 3 years till I found the right AR 230 in October of last year. I wanted a 2006 because I wanted A. Back storage area’s could open from back deck (LOVE IT) 2 captains chairs(LOVE IT), and all ECU and MR1 issues pretty much gone….the back hinge on swim platform was redesigned on the 2006 so water does NOT enter the engine bay over the ECU’s, mine were bone dry and looked good as new….so did the engine bay for that matter. Who the heck buys boats in October right?
So we negotiated it down to 18K knowing I was going to have many projects,fun and some costlyitems, but I’d rather use my brain and my body doing hobby boat mods than sit in front of the TV any day of the week.
So we held on to 2 boats all winter, brought the Hurricane home and sold it on 24 hours on Facebook Marketplace. I got out of it what I put into it and we used it for 6 years! Not bad! That boat went everywhere and we used it hard and fast….like my first teenage girlfriend that let me push her to its limits (I can say that now cause now she’s my wife of 27 years).
Bought boat, it looked clean and I knew it would need work, just not sure what. I took a gamble (financial advisor say you should NEVER gamble!) thinking buy for 18….if I stick 4 to 5K into it…I come out with an like new AR 230 that isn’t as cool as the new boats,,,but its paid for I can buy all the toys I want for it and it won’t hurt my bank or credit rating. My 3rd boat we bought too much boat for my income and I had payments for 3 years…that sucks in a state where you can only use that boat really for 4 months out of the year…but the payments keep coming year round.
So at the end of this thread..I’ll know if I spend more than my allotment I made on that cold October day in a driveway in 5 minutes that I made the deal for the 18K boat.
So what did we do and what were the costs broken down.
Drove it home in November on dry rotted Tires that made my A&&H@le Pucker as I drove 1.5 hours to my house from where I bought the boat, no brakes, and one blinker working….but we made it home! Let the moneypit of costs begin!
I did most of my research on this forum before I made each and every decision on my products..if your looking for similar items….search almost any tag word in and you’ll find some thread. I tried to not leave many threads/questions on purpose…as almost every answer I needed I could find on a existing thread forum.
I use F150 Forum for my F150 Mods, Doo Talk for my Ski Doo Snowmobile Mods, and by far jetboater’s. net gives the most detailed way’s to do things, fix things and find answers to most problems ( I think its a lot of husbands married over 20 years trying to stay out of there wives way…so they help here). I’m done working with MOST boat mechanics and ALL Dealers…in Wisconsin they can’t get it back to us fast enough in our short season,, charge and insane amount and most mechanics can’t work on boats all year here so they don’t get good at the boats….all reasons to search here, find answers and fix it yourself in faster time!
MO MONEY, MO MONEY (and lots of time) I should also preface with the amount of Amazon ordering I did they should give me a minor stockholders share in the company.
1. Tires, in long run just ended up buying 4 radial rated tires from Walmart GoodYear Marathon.. Enough said…there are long tire threads on here….my eyes would water and I’d fall aslepp reading them, nothing sexy about tires. $500
2. Spare tire with correct bolt pattern, Took it from my old boat and trailer, if you don’t travel with a spare tire you’re an idiot and Karma will get you. Free to move to this boat but cost WAS $65
3. LED lights and replaced all wiring for trailer with the 5 pin connector. $37
4. Rusted out bolts…wish I would have shared a picture of the bolts holding the bunks after 13 years they were rusted skelotons of bolts. DON’t leave your bunk bolts of our old boats the bunk bolts broke loose…when did we find out…when we were power loading in the dark far from home the bunk rolled off the weld and the metal brace gouged one of my boats badly….DON”T be me. Maintain your bunks and bolts. Like 30 bolts I think galvanized maybe $10?
5. Front roller support Bolts, through bolted the front roller support with 3 stainless bolts 3.5 inches thinks? I’m also adding a welded front support in the next 2 weeks once my welder can get to it and adding a step I’ll ad pictures. The angle iron cost me all of $10 and the Welders gonna charge me $25.
6. Stoltz Bow Roller the 4 inch version which fit perfectly on my 06 with no Mods. Can’t find link ordered it from, it was like $45
7. Brakes,

8. Boat Tie Downs. These Rot out. They look strong but trust me they rot out. Replace them every few years. Cost $23
9. Galvanized Trailer cable emergency stop, Hardware store new hardware purchase $10 If every I don’t know remember what something costs I say its $10….that way my story is the same every time…and hey…who’s wife gets mad for there husband spending $10.00…None if they do…its time to file with the court.
Trailer now good as new. ** for those of you that complain about the MFI trailer…let me tell you. In my 10-12 powerboats I’ve owned and 2 pontoon boats I’ve owned I’ve NEVER experienced a better fit of trailer to Boat. Most trailers are NOT designed for the boat dimensions, they are FITTED For the dimensions and they all have there problems. We do a lot of trailering to launches..and the launch process is easy as pie with this trailer. Me and my boys can pull up to a launch, take off all buckles dunk it and be pulling off the dock in one minute flat…like a well oiled pit crew….and not being an assh@le at the launch…do all your PRE work like the plug and Yamaha impeller plugs AWAY from the launch!
Getting boat back on trailer is VERY simple…in cross winds, behind winds, farting winds, whatever type of wind or current and you DON’T need those PVC boat guides with this trailer…all you simply have to do is put the fenders at the top of the water…maybe leave 1 inch out of the water on the front of the fender If you don this you will have maybe 2 feet of bunk showing on the front of the trailer out of the water as well.…pull your boat will SELF LEVEL on the bunks…attach strap, crank and or power load. Me and the boys can do this in 90 seconds flats and get the H&LL off the launch for others to use….Don’t be a launch hog….THINK before you launch and before you pick up. Think 3 to 5 steps ahead and everything will go smoothly. Rant on launch over.
I wasn’t always this good, First boat at 21 years old, 85 Glasstron with wife. Took us forever for me to back up trailer…the worst…when I backed up the trailder to get the boat I got the trailer UNDER pier pylons and the pier!!!! I mean super stuck….HOLY pissed off boaters..I didn’t know what to do…4 angry boaters on testoeron finally jumped in the water to pull out my heavy ass trailer from the pier and pylon while I spun the tires at warp speed in a NON 4x4 Maroon Red Grand Marquis rear wheel drive. We got it off the launch and as my wife and I were pulling away I think the whole launch site went up in a cheer that idiot non boater (can you believe he tought he could pull an 18 foot runabout with a V8 rear wheel drive car?) left the park. I didn’t show up at that launch again the rest of the season.
Now I try to help the newbies….if they aren’t A$$H@les.
Water protection;
1. Cover. I had a custom mooring and trailer cover made in December thinking I’d get a better deal in Wisconsin when the boat upholster’s are slower. I looked for an upholster playing the best Mexican Marriaci music, who’s mother taught him to sew in the old country. I got exactly that, the absolute BEST handmade mooring cover with ripstop fabric. I don’t remember what the name of it is…but its as light as 18 yr girls thongs, has plenty of snaps around the boat, separated out bow cover so we can run in the fall with more protection, separate rear area which covers down to the sea deck platform and is vented. It can be stowed away in small areas on the boat..but the best is rip proof, the upholstery cut a piece off for us…cut that piece half way down the middle and told me to tear it in half with all my strength. I couldn’t do it, not one extra tear…and my masculinity was in question by my wife in front of my new Mexican upholsterer who told my wife he could teach her to dance Rico Suave style. He got $1,200 from me…I kept my wife….in hindsight I should have seen if she could have “negotiated” down that price…but I don’t think she would have gone for the cost savings…yes you heard right..I paid $1,200 for a cover…and this is the 3rd one they’ve made me..I have them make ONE for each boat..and I NEVER have to have one made again….EVER. It can be trailered down the road, left on the pier, moored, have snow piled on top of it, I won’t rip, mold, mildew and lets the boat breath. Worth every Penny. If you want to find out the name of the Fabric, Call Kendors
Pictures to follow later
2. Boat gel coat. In high school I did High End Automotive portering (cleaning and waxing rich peoples cars). Don’t make it rocket science…its elbow grease, time and muscles….I’ve had the BEST luck with starting my removing all oxidation etc using;
a. The Works toilet bowl cleaner and gloves, don’t get it on your fabric but google how to apply it to boats. A few brushes help a lot.
b. A pressure washer comes in very handy to get a boat looking good but than once per year I spend 6 hours, put on my best American flag thong and go to town while I play a selection of show tunes. In all seriousness…use these products elbow grease a rotary polisher and time and your boat will look like the day you bought it. It plain old works!!!! $120

3. Upholstery, Our’s was in Grade B- to B plus shape. A lot of time and runined clothing for the wife as she did this project…but this took out ALL Stains from the upholstery and it looks 95% of original. I won’t use ANY other chemical’s Ive tried them all over the years and I want something that is strong, mildew resistant but wont ruing the threads in the fabric. $32
4. All plastic, Armor All or 301 whatever you got that won’t add costs the the money pit.
5. This is a MUST! I use this stuff on all my boat seats that start to get tears in the seams, random cuts etc…I can put it on and it adheres and holds to the imperfection my last boat we did it 7 years earlier when we got it and Not one area I used VLP did it come loose. YES over time it will yellow a bit…but I’ll take a bit of yellowing over paying to have the boat rehupolstered. We use this same stuff on ATV”S, Leather car seats and our snowmobiles if they ever get a tear…Also this stuff can be used on inflatable for towing. Every Tow tube will get a tear over time…it just happens..sand, mini rocks, that one time you ran a guy into a pier on accident the guy was ok but the tube not so much…just use this stuff. I always keep a tube on the boat. I was thinking of becoming a surgean…but only if I could use this product only. I think it would hold up on most breaks and sutures. $7.00 Best money spent. yes picture is after its sealed and NO nothing will tear that apart.

6. Those damn rivets! I took all rivets that hold the carpet in place. In Wisconsin the white decking on our last 3 boats never got hot, its super easy to come home and Pressure wash out the boat of The Mud, the Blood and the Beer (random Johnny Cash quote), fill the holes with 2 part Marine Expoxy, no more rivets to step on as your dancing in the boat to Sweet Caroline (bump bum bummmmmmm). Hard ware store $10
Sea Deck Removal
Took the old shit off using a pretty good system.
1. Get a propane torch with igniter, start at back of old decking, get a VERY good thicker scraper, heat up the decking material and scape from underneath, I got so good at the end that everything came up in solid pieces that you can now enjoy for the low low price of $150. If you’d like 13 year old Sea Decking just send the money to my paypayl.

2. Rubber Gloves and “The works toilet boat cleaner, Put on old decking let it sit a while. Than scrub with a brush and than go over again with a Green Brillow Pad. 99% of the old stuff will come up. This is acidid and if you lean your shirt into it it WILL BURN YOUR NIPPLES…ask me how I know! Once your nipples are good and red, turn on the Pressure washer and work middle of boat to back..spraying all chemichals OFF The boat not INTO The boat. It’s best to do this at the end of your driveway and not leave chemichals and old adhesive residue in your driveway. This process from torch to clean deck ready for sea deck install only 3 hours. After all residue is off as I was installing pieces of the Sea Deck I would use Acetone to clean the area one more time before than following Sea Deck install instructions using blue tape. That part is easy…and the most satisfying. All Chemical costs…of above and supplies like rubber gloves etc….maybe $50 total.

Sea Deck Install.
Went with a Grey my wife picked out and a few extra pieces Will had at Jet Boat Pilot. After all the hard working prepping I would NEVER want to go with the cheaper stuff out there. Summer’s too short to deal with inferior products..and everything that has been on my Sea Deck so far has come right off…when I look at Algae that sticks to every part of my trailer, bunks and tires..NOT on Sea Deck…dirt..washes right off. I think we are going to leave the interior just with the white decking as it looks so clean and is easy to pressure wash off when we get home Still wasn’t cheap though..I think with the extra pieces I bought we spent like $500 total

Interior. Luckily I have a 1,000 square foot garage, the single stall opening is 10 wide, 8 tall and 30 deep, so I could work on a lot of the projects on the boat at night in the garage, my wife would yell out How’s it going and for 5 weeks straight I’d yell back “almost finished!” She thinks I should name the boat “Almost Finished” I’m gonna look good rocking the thong on that Sea Deck dancing for all the ladies that go by.

Yes, yes that is me trying to get my wife all hot and didn't work. AND NO , NO...YOU CANNOT unsee that!
Interior upgrades…Man where to begin
Cleaning interior. Pressure washer…and go to town….once buy pressure washer = free
Drain Holes. Most of mine had wasp nests build in them. I shoved the pressure washer down all em and blasted em out…the tubing its connected too handled the pressure just fine. = free
Battery and Charging
Ripped out all old battery boxes, checked all wires, re crimped some new ends and installed 2 new battery boxes and the BIGGEST starter battery don’t remember size and the Biggest Deep cycle DC31 Battery to run separately the Stereo, amp, sub and Lowrance Hook 5 Map/Fish Finder.
2 Batteries, Boxes, and fuse breaker shut off stereo amps, fish finder = $340 total

Noco Battery Charger and outstide hull outlet. Honestly if your going to run multiple batteries this is the easiest best way to keep batteries in tip top shape. When we bring the boat home it get’s plugged in simple as that.
Cost $180 total

My neighbor wondered why I had a blue electrical chord attached to the side of the boat. I told her it was a new to us Electrical boat…like a car. She believed me, I told her we could go as far as we wanted…we just needed a REALLY long electric chord…she STILL believed me. She asked where I got a chord that long. I said Harbor Freight has them. Her husband was going there that afternoon and wanted to know if they could pick me up any extra chord…great neighbor. She is 80 and I can be a bit of an asshole.
Stereo. I have 3 degrees, an associate in Audio installation, a Double Bachelors in Mass Communication and Finance, a Master’s Degree in Partying (if you call being in bed most nights by 9:30 and giving up almost ALL Libations even on weekends) and my current licensing as a Financial Advisor…BUT one of my favorite things to do, that is actually relaxing to me is stereo installs and electrical. In College to pay for College I worked for a master amphitheater audio install company and owned Mobile DJ companies, designing my systems from scratch, DJ’ing weddings longer than most marriages in America last. once I had a little money I moved onto Car’s and now boats. My opinion on boat Stereos…yes some of you may be the DJ for the whole bay and yes some of you may be all tatted up surfing to Slip Knot like a new version of Patrick Swayze in Point Break….but us, I wanted clear, clean sound so when teens take the boat they can hear it Wakeboarding, we could crank it up on the sand bar if we want……but most of the time it would be at 25% volume and I wanted decent sound…And it had to do al that for my budget of $1000 or less. AND it had to NOT consume a ton of power.
So first off. The amperage with two 100 Watt Amps and a Large DC31 Deep Cycle Battery running at 80% volume…which the way it sounds at that level will make your ears bleed in the boat. Would be able to run 6 to 8 hours straight. Now we all know we won’t run 80% at 8 hours…so it’s gonna last a LOT LOT longer…and it sounds fantastic for a open cockpit. With a Degree in this stuff let me tell you..if you want the best of the best on a boat you are going to spend a fortune as you can’t control acoustics on the water, you need a ton of subs..and fiberglass and vibrations go hand in hand….So, I had specifics. 6.5 speakers, an enclosed ported sub so that it was already tuned to the enclosure correctly, the ability to use my phone to control all aspects and the ability to leave my phone in the boat while sitting on the back, on a sand bar on the dock etc. and still control the music, but I didn’t want to re run wired remotes as they all have there plus and minus’s. So what I ended up with was a VERY clear, Clean Deep sounding system without too much boominess. It was done for less than $1,000, and will let my 2 batteries shine without killing them over a long 4 day weekend of playing music.
I’ve been an Audiophile for 30 years. And JL Audio would be my Go To in All cases right now. In the past there were other brands that were perfect on all fronts…right now that company is JL Audio. I couldn’t do my entire boat for that price under $1000.
Speakers, So I picked the most important item which is the speakers themselves from JL, I wouldn’t buy from anywhere BUT crutchfield. I found 2 open box items of these for a total of 4 speakers. They are being powered by a teeny tiny 100 watt amp and they CRANK almost as good as my Car Stereo JL’s that are TRI Amped with 3000 watts! Cost $400 or so

Head Unit I researched and looked and looked and kept coming back to this one. A. It had a small built in 100 watt amp..and I mean small finger shows you the size, B. It was Marine Proof C. The Sony Amp is Really good and creating whats called a R.T.A. Real Time Analyzer (RTA LIGHT)environment giving enough bells and whistles to tweak the acoustics of the boat to your music and placement of sub speakers etc. on this can all be done on your phone from there app. C. The app, volume, pause etc could all be controlled from my phone next to me driving as with the 2006 the stereo is on the opposite side. D. If I decide to ad a JL amp and Tower speakers at a later date I can ad on to this system with component outs in the back. Stereo and a new deck mounting plate were needed and NO I won’t explain how to do all the G*d D&MN wiring that had me swearing like a sailor! $218.00

Subwoofer. As stated I wanted a Tuned enclosed ported box and ended up with the PERFECT solution for a 2006 that has extra openings in the back storage (love those openings). I bought a Bazooka amplified sub that was 10 inches only. I added some screw spacers with appliance balances on the bottom, put the sub on its end with the sub firing downward for A. NO HIT IT WITH ANYTHING IN STORAGE..B. Downward firing into carpet to help with vibration dampening C. Open area for Air to be exchanged with the sub D. out of the way of 99Percent of all water that could touch it, especially the speaker! I put the Sub controller wired right through to the deck so that passenger can turn bass up or down easily without if it started to get muddy etc. without farting around with the deck or app. This design I created surpassed all hopes…It won’t rattle my Grandma’s teeth out (She’s dead so that would be gross) but it makes a lot of Caribbean music, 70’s, Techno, and good Wakeboarding Rock sound GREAT! Best part it is in an area of the boat Seldom used….UP…UP is FREE space behind the rear can’t store much there…when I strapped it to the sideboard seat I added some Foam Noodle on both back side where it was near the Hull to make it even more rigid and rattle proof,,kind of like a subwoofer radiator…look it up…it’s a thing..we used em in DJ School 101 all the time. I pat myself on the back for this design. Bought an Open Box one for $230.

Fuse Breaker, Ran all this of 8 Guage Red Wire into a Fuse block panel so that if it blows a fuse…just press the button, restart it and go back to singing Cost $11 I’m sure I had other Electrical parts..but I’m tired and Gassy….and can’t think straight. On a side note just like a boat shut off switch with this $11 breaker I can shut the power off instantly from the Deep Cycle to all times running on it. Simple Elegant Solution.

What a pain in the ass! Lots of hours..more than probably worth it, but in some ways I got in my mojo heat shrinking and soldering mode and went to town. NO I won’t tell you how to install these either. But what I did do was run my leads from the 2 lights by the Throttle and Passenger cub holder, all lights ran from there. Essentially I placed Blue Water proof LED’s I’ve used in other projects throughout the boat to give good coverage, One Blue light at the back that will be Right under or near the water line to give underwater or jet wash spray lights and White Waterproof lights in the back storage areas, and both compartments Port and Starboard to give lighting for storage. Results turned out GREAT. NO I did not need changing color lights or color controlers…more SH*T to break and on a boat you want easy. NO I did not do your rainbow bright colored speaker lights that dance to the sound of the Marcarana…this is a Yamaha Jet boat and we do some refined things with a touch of class and BLING. You can start a whole rant on “blue lights are illegal in some states as it could be tought of as the cops” my blue lights really can’t be seen from outside the hull and if a cop pulls me over in Wisconsin if you give him a Local Craft Brew and a Block of Wisconsin Cheese they let you off with a warning.
Items that make this install WAY and I mean WAY easier is this stuff…NO I’m not going to teach you how to do it! This was enough for all my connections. Cost $21
This Wire Cost $10,,think I bought 2 packes..I definitely used all wire and ran cleanly hidden along channel ways and speaker wire lines.
These lights in blue I did 5 in the boat, one on the back near the scupper and NO I won’t tell you how to get wire back there! That one in the water is separately fused so it would blow the water led and NOT the 5 others if underway. Cost Like $40

These white ones for in the storage areas…get them HIGH and they beam downward really bright light, great for end of the night “get your shit off my boat, in my storage areas and leave a tip, thank you and good night” used a total of 4 Cost like $25

looks messy but very very organized...that trash can is from the container store and bungied on 2 sides to stay in place with a bag to pull garbage..goes almost top to bottom of storage are like its made for here! on the boat and need to the back throw it in, keep on moving..out of everyones way! The toolbox right next to it....perfectly fills floor leaving no gap for sliding with all the esentails. All Bungie cleat ropes stowed back here..always know where your cleat ropes are..and out of everyones way. just have someone open the area grab the ropes and cleat away! LOVE this back open storage are on my 2006...sooo user friendly!!! Ad a throwable, 2 extra small anchors and room for more!

Easily find your stuff..people bring back packs on our boat...this is where they shelving needed
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