Wearing a mask just isn't that big a deal, that said I don't wear one while boating or at the ramp. Our ramps are pretty quiet though, rarely anyone else there at the same time, let alone within 6' of you.
100% agree here. I don't go into public places without mine. I don't consider my boat a public place. I consider anywhere that I can or will be within 12ft of someone outside my immediate family a public place.
This has nothing to do with being legal, being told or dictated to, being an infringement on my rights, or any other legal/political bullshit. This is an ETHICAL choice I've made to be a good world citizen and not spread a highly contagious and deadly disease.
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Here's a rant for J.Q.Public out there. I'm not aiming this at anyone in particular on this board, just a general inclination I get on this subject. This just feels like the right time to unload this thought. Read ahead at your own risk
If this rant hits close to home, GOOD. Take that as a hint to reevaluate your mindset.
Wearing a mask isn't about you, it's about those around you. It's a seriously MINIMAL effort thing you can do to help slow down/stop the spread of a highly contagious and potentially deadly virus. Are you really that inconvenienced by a mask? We aren't talking about changing anything in your day beyond 10-15 seconds to put it on, and 5 seconds to pull it off. It doesn't cost you much if any money. Most places will give you a mask if you simply ask for one. Whats the big deal here? Are you afraid you'll look funny? We're all in this at the same time, we all look like a bunch yaywho's with masks on, get over it. What is the rebellion here? Don't want to be told what to do? Why not? It's like a fish out of water wanting to stay on land because someone TOLD you to get in the water......it's for your own good you idiot!
How damn selfish are the people that won't wear a mask in public? Who in the exact hell do you think you are that you expect you can't be held to at least a basic standard of decency to NOT aid in the transmission of this disease, knowingly or not? Do you really feel you're so much more important than anyone else? Is your "right" to not be inconvenienced with a mask because of whatever BS reason you've dreamed up that you can cost someone else their life?
My wife hates her mask. HATES IT. So she does one of two things. Tolerates it long enough to go in somewhere, or stays the hell at home. Know why? Because she's not a selfish a-hole, and realizes this whole situation is bigger than her small inconvenience.
We're in a war against an enemy we can't see with our eyes, and it's not being fought on some foreign land where lackadaisical response and the associated repercussions aren't seen. This is being fought on our doorstep with our family, friends, and neighbors being swiftly, directly, and often times lethally impacted. The virus gives zero cares about where you live, where you shop, or how you really feel about the socio-economic, or mental health impacts of wearing a mask. If you aren't helping in the fight to contain this pandemic, then what are you doing? Have you considered that you might be unknowingly helping the spread? Clearly not, but maybe now you will.
IMO, these dictates by state leaders are the EXACT same premise that makes warning labels necessary. It's someone having to tell a large group of people to not do something obviously stupid, because that same large group of people have proven their not smart enough to figure it out on their own. If, we as a culture, weren't so hung up on getting ahead, or doing whats always best for us, or any of those things that have bred this bass-akwards selfish mentality, perhaps we wouldn't have to rely on the people we chose to be in power, to tell us what to do. We might have figured it out on our own. Clearly that isn't the case, and they have to tell us what to do, because we can't figure it out on our own. SO don't call them a dictator, king, of any other name that means they are attempting to do a power grab here. They're literally trying to protect you from yourselves. I'd bet money that not a single one of those people in power, that are issuing these orders, WANT to make those statements.
SO.......stop being such got-dang selfish a-holes. Use some common sense wash your hands often, and wear your masks in public. Not because some politician told you to do it, but because it's the right effing thing to do.