Welcome aboard! You’ve found a great resource to maximize the enjoyable of your new to you boat.
There are many threads on here the will provide great detail, but here are my top take-ways.
1) First few times out, try to go mid week to avoid the crowds and feeling of being “watched” or “rushed” - take your time launching and retrieving. Best if you have a boating friend, or any friend to come and help
2) Small inputs when slow speed maneuvering. That is, don’t turn hard to port, then hard to starboard when trying to correct going off course
3) Use “no-wake” mode. I believe on your model there are 3 different RPM settings (I have a 2012 and only have 1). By using “no wake”, you are raising the engine RMPs and holding them consistent - you can bump the throttle in and out of “gear” (The boat dosen’t have actual gears - its just the reverse bucket opening and closing), and make slight corrections when docking..
4) Become familiar with the First & Second detent. At the first detent, I believe on the newer models, more of the thrust is angled down to assist in slow speed tracking/steering. There is a technical term/achronom for this, but its eluding me at the moment
5) You have TWIN motors/throttles, practice maneuvering the vessel with just the throttles. Port Fwd, Startboard Reverse - while allow you to rotate/spin to the starboard side...
6) Jet Boats don’t have a TRUE NEUTRAL - you may notice that when in Neutral, you still are inching forward or in reverse - if you still have pronounced movement in either direction, you can adjust the reverse buckets to try to mitigate this
7)) If after a few outings, you aren’t happy with the slow speed manners, you can consider JPB Thurstvectors or Cobra Jet Steering Fins. Both venders on present on the forum, and there are plenty of reviews of the products.
Lastly, don’t fret - you probably got the boat to “escape”, in due time it will become second nature... Enjoy the water!
PS - update your profile with your location so others will know where you are boating...