@CanuckJetBoater2018 , the oil is still milky after 4 oil changes/about 16 quarts of oil. I plan to use new filters for the next two or three sessions and will reuse them if I have to do more cycling after that. It took a while but I was able to completely drain the original filter seen in the red oil catch tray in the pic.
@ZGhost , when capsized the waverunner is supposed to be rolled clockwise/starboard from the the back of the waverunner. See the attached pic (not a good one since it is still dark here and the sprinklers were on and I didn’t want to get wet for a closer shot). The Yamaha jet boat owner ho helped right the ski said it wasn’t capsized for long but based on the amount of water in the hull and engine so far I assume it was rolled the wrong way/counter clockwise when
@zipper , I’ve been pulling the oil out of the fill/check port. I’ve read that there is a drain plug at the back bottom of the engine but didn’t look for it since it’s obstructed by a bulkhead that holds the ecu box. No pic but if I don’t get the contaminated oil out over the next few oil changes I will reconsider using that drain plug.
@Babin Farms , I’m not running the engine long at all, maybe 30 seconds just to move the new oil into the reservoir to displace the contaminated oil in the motor. The contaminated oil is very viscous so I don’t think it need to be heated to easily flow through the extractor’s hose but I’m getting sick of doing this so I plan to put the waverunner on a hose for 5 to 10 minutes after every oil change as I continue this process.
thanks for the feedback guys. FYI I had water in the oil of a similar waverunner years ago and it only took 2 cycles to clear it but water came from either a leaky gasket or from a malfunctioning ecu not a roller over like the current situation.
here are pics of what I have going right now.
10 quarts of new but “cheap oil” @ $25 per 5 quart jug, the third jug is empty.
3 new filters ($7 for the Wix, $8 for the Motorcraft and $16 for the Mobil 1), I planned to buy Fram oil filters but I couldn’t find the right model and was surprised to see that the starting price in Fram filters is about $11 (I recall buying them for $5 not so long ago).
I’m using 3 to 4 quarts of oil every flush cycle so each cycle is costing me about $15 just for the oil.
also pictured are the new oil and filters i bought for the skis and boat (I want more yamalube but bought out what my local power sports Store had in stock).
Finally A pic of the jugs containing the used oil is attached, all four jugs are filled to the top but one of the 4 quart jugs was half full when I started the waverunner cleansing.