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Oil Pumping issue

Zack Truax

Well-Known Member
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Boat Make
Sugar Sand
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Hi Everyone. I've owned a 2006 Sugar Sand Oasis since 2008 and I love it. I do have a problem I could use some help with. As most of you probably know the main DFI oil tank is under the walk through part of the transom and the oil gets pumped from there to the little holding tank mounted on the engine. this Saturday I had a brain fart and let that tank under the walk through go pretty much empty. The buzzer went off alerting me that small tank on the side of the engine was at 99% full. I was right beside the fuel dock and filled the main tank up right away but now it's not pumping oil from the main tank to the small tank mounted on the engine. I am thinking it might be an airlock issue because it was pumping oil just fine until the big tank ran dry. Does anybody have any ideas?