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Recon Trolling Motors From Simrad and Lowrance

FSH 210 Sport

Jetboaters Fleet Admiral
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FSH Sport
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Looks like a trolling motor that should easily integrate with the FSH series Simrad MFD.

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Have you seen price?
So what do I do if it’s integrated? I have a Riptide Terrova and really the only GPS functions I use are spot lock ( best thing evar) and cruise and heading lock, depending on wind. I have tried recording tracks but due to changing conditions and lake level I really never want to go same way twice. So can somebody smarter than me offer advice on using some of the the advanced features? Thanks
So what do I do if it’s integrated? I have a Riptide Terrova and really the only GPS functions I use are spot lock ( best thing evar) and cruise and heading lock, depending on wind. I have tried recording tracks but due to changing conditions and lake level I really never want to go same way twice. So can somebody smarter than me offer advice on using some of the the advanced features? Thanks
I don’t believe you can integrate your MinnKota with the Simrad, that’s what Humminbird refers to as their one boat network.

I have a Riptide Ulterra that is linked into my Humminbird Solix 10. I can control the trolling motor via the handheld remote or through the MFD. The navigation / autopilot features are easily controlled through the MFD, so looking at the chart plotter you can see your projected out far ahead, you can record routes on the MFD and the remote, set arrival mode for the trolling motor-trolling motor off-start auto pilot which keeps you going in the same direction that you were at the end of a route-or spot lock there, the circling mode is great once you find fish, trolling grid mode etc.. With the Humminbird Solix I can set water offset to compensate for changing water levels and the fact I can set via color overlays for shallow water and shallow water alarms I can see whether or not my pre recorded trolling routes are viable not only for water depth and or fishing target depths.

I would be surprised if Simrad did not have very similar functionality.
I'm not sure how often I would use a memorized route, probably when trolling with live bait using the troller. My motor is not connected to my network, and it looks like that is only compatible anyway if I have Humminbird fish finder, not with the Simrad. I still have adding a screen and sidescan and radar on my to-do list. I was only looking at Simrad (Lowrance) for that for compatibility with existing stuff but maybe I should ponder a switch at that time.
I'm not sure how often I would use a memorized route, probably when trolling with live bait using the troller. My motor is not connected to my network, and it looks like that is only compatible anyway if I have Humminbird fish finder, not with the Simrad. I still have adding a screen and sidescan and radar on my to-do list. I was only looking at Simrad (Lowrance) for that for compatibility with existing stuff but maybe I should ponder a switch at that time.

Right on…

Check out the YouTube channel The Lateral Line..

Love watching these guys get into the big kings with spinning reels…

these blokes use Humminbird MFD’s and a Minnkota troller and always have a great time and they eat great on the boat. I’ve been very happy with mine. And I had thought that if I were to buy a zoot / trick boat like yours I’d probably swap out the Simrad for a Humminbird unit. I have a Solix, but if I were to upgrade I’d go with the Apex https://humminbird.johnsonoutdoors.com/us/shop/fish-finders/apex

I was talking to my friend the other day about a member here who was going to remove his thru hull transducer, block off the hole and install transom mounted transducers to get the side scan function, but according to my friend you can get thru hull transducers that will do that which I think would awesome on our boats since that transducer would be well forward of any jet wash / bubbles.
Maybe instead of a second screen, I should replace the Simrad with a bigger Humminbird. I can't see it from the bow however. Part of my scheming has been to use a second screen, on a Ram mount, that I could view from helm or pivot to see from the bow, so I can quit asking my son "How deep is it here?"
Yeah so I found this on Garmin's site. I'm not sure where you could mount it with a clear view of both sides on my boat it still might take 2 of them to get it done., but it does get it away from the congestion at the stern.

Maybe instead of a second screen, I should replace the Simrad with a bigger Humminbird. I can't see it from the bow however. Part of my scheming has been to use a second screen, on a Ram mount, that I could view from helm or pivot to see from the bow, so I can quit asking my son "How deep is it here?"
Yeah so I found this on Garmin's site. I'm not sure where you could mount it with a clear view of both sides on my boat it still might take 2 of them to get it done., but it does get it away from the congestion at the stern.

I have my solid mounted on a ball mount so that I can swing it around to be viewed from the bow, and when cruising I can swing it over more directly in my line of sight albeit lower. So far that has worked out very well. But, you have the Simrad installed from the factory in the dash….

The hat transducer you linked should be able to give you a good side scan view if you mount it close to the keel. The transom mounted ones are a bit easier and while you do get decent side scan on the opposite side of the boat you may want two transducers on the transom with secondary providing opposite enhancement to the side scan only. There Wye connectors that make that easy