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Rod holder / cup holder drain re route

FSH 210 Sport

Jetboaters Fleet Admiral
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I had been wanting to move the drain hoses around so that they were out of the way as much as possible for a long time but it was always pretty low on the priority list. However, with the arrival of the Lakewood tackle center this project got pushed up the list, just behind the annual maintenance which got completed a few days ago.

The stock hoses looked like this.



So a trip to the hardware store to gets some bits and pieces, toss in a couple of hours of boat yoga and now the drains look like this; I wish Yamaha would have installed the drains this way from the factory.



Now this tackle center can fit in there better… I will have to build a bit of a booster for it to keep the bottom trays easily accessible.



My current tackle bags are great, but the trays get held vertically so things get shaken up pretty good inside the trays. Those side pockets will hold two 3700 trays each, the top has a pretty good size area that I will be using for leader material, split ring pliers etc…
I had been wanting to move the drain hoses around so that they were out of the way as much as possible for a long time but it was always pretty low on the priority list. However, with the arrival of the Lakewood tackle center this project got pushed up the list, just behind the annual maintenance which got completed a few days ago.

The stock hoses looked like this.
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So a trip to the hardware store to gets some bits and pieces, toss in a couple of hours of boat yoga and now the drains look like this; I wish Yamaha would have installed the drains this way from the factory.
View attachment 218500

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View attachment 218503

Now this tackle center can fit in there better… I will have to build a bit of a booster for it to keep the bottom trays easily accessible.

View attachment 218502

View attachment 218504

My current tackle bags are great, but the trays get held vertically so things get shaken up pretty good inside the trays. Those side pockets will hold two 3700 trays each, the top has a pretty good size area that I will be using for leader material, split ring pliers etc…
Very nice. One more thing added to my "someday" list.
None of the rod holders and only some of the cup holders on my boat had factory-installed drains. The gunwale rod holder next to the trash-bin locker, for example, poured water directly into the trash bin. I had to purchase rod-holder bottom-funnel thingies in order to clamp drain tubing on them.
None of the rod holders and only some of the cup holders on my boat had factory-installed drains. The gunwale rod holder next to the trash-bin locker, for example, poured water directly into the trash bin. I had to purchase rod-holder bottom-funnel thingies in order to clamp drain tubing on them.

Of the 6 cap rail mounted 30* rod holders only 2, yes 2 had drains hooked up to them, the 2 were the 30* rod holders pictured in this thread, the 0* rod holders you see I added. The other 4 cap rail mounted 30* rod holders drained into the aft storage compartments, and the two 0* degree rod holders on the transom drained into the bilge. Like you I had to get the condom style universal rod holder drains, I got mine from T-H Marine.

The two most forward cup holders drained into bilge, the starboard one ran under the insulated fish box and into the starboard storage pod, the port one drained into the bilge via the port under bench storage pod / compartment, those two cup holders I just blocked off as there was no way I could see at the time of draining them onto the deck. The 2 cup holders on the helm drain onto the deck, the cup holders on the storage pods were tied into the factory rod holder drain (pictured), the cup holders on the transom also drained into the bilge, the starboard on top of the live well and the port on top of the water lock (I think).

In the end all of those rod holders and cup holders got drain lines with hose clamps and were routed into the added deck drains so that all of the rod holders / cup holders drain overboard, aside from the helm mounted cup holders that drain onto the deck, essentially overboard but via the self bailing deck. Attaching and routing the drain lines to the rod holders and cup holders on the transom took a lot of patience and time to get the pitch correct so that they would drain, and I had to do it all from the top as there is no way to get up to that transom from the underside. In the end it was well worth it and has led to a dry bilge, as in no water comes out, but some days I get about a 1/4 coffee cup full if I use the raw water wash down a lot, where that water is getting into the bilge is still a mystery.
I wish Yamaha would have installed the drains this way from the factory.
Why spend thirty cents on "extra" fittings when you can buy $6-10 of replacement fittings and bandaids and do it right the second time? ?

That looks awesome! Neat tidy and out of the way so you don't get hung up on the hanging drains. Another job well done