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Shred Hook??


Jetboaters Captain
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Jackson, WI
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242 Limited S E-Series
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Saw this on Facebook today and thought is was kinda neat - anyone have it or know someone that does?

When people ask me if snowboarding is hard I say no, but getting off a lift with a snowboard IS hard at some resorts - especially for beginners.

Not thrilled about having the thickness of the hook base plate under the rear binding though. :-/
Holy crap, I posted this on the wrong forum……getting old is hell……. :mad:
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glad I saw it before it gets deleted, I might have to try one of those. Have you seen the new front bindings that can be turned so your foot faces forward? It makes cruising on a long flat or uphill section as easy as riding a skateboard, so you don't have to steal a pole off one of your skiing buddies to push yourself along.
I have not seen those - who makes them?

I just bought a new pair of Nidecker Supermatic bindings over the weekend.
no idea. trying to remember where I saw the ad. I'm in Syracuse now, where our snow has been pathetic the last five years and the hills are so small I can't bring myself to bother going. Finally went to Mont Tremblant over Christmas with my adult kids, and we had a blast. Good to be back at it, even for just a couple of days.

I'll look around and see if I can find that ad again, and will shoot you a note.
I can delete, but I want confirmation from @WiskyDan as this has gone on with a few members. Maybe move it to the general off topic section?

Edit: I moved the thread to the general off topic forum, not boat related. @WiskyDan could you edit out your tag to Julian so he does not get confused by the x-fer. I don’t like to edit others’ posts.Thanks.
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