Looking at that, it almost appears as if they put the seat cushion back in over top of that every time. My piece doesn't have that teak pattern, and it's a camo-style, so it wouldn't be nearly as noticeable as yours. Everyone should use their boat as they wish, but in my case, I decided that I would be replacing that piece sooner than I should need to if I kept putting the seat cushion back in, and your pic really seems to bear that out. I don't know if you like it, or if you want the cushion for seating needs, but I put my cushion in a storage compartment to see if it would ever really be needed. I've had 6-8 people on the boat pretty regularly, and I've never once had a need for that cushion. After removing it from the boat after a few weeks, I've never missed it, either. Boat's only rated for 10, and my thought is once I've got 8, I'm close to the weight limit, so I'd never push it beyond 8.
I really like that darker trim on the seats too, that's a nice color, looks very classy!