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The infamous Shelbyville Faceplant (thank god Neil didn't get one of me!)


Jetboaters Fleet Admiral 2*
Staff member
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC 27614
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242X E-Series
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In honor of the 2014 Shelbyville gathering I thought I should post the infamous faceplant from 2009.

@OperationROL I can't wait for this year's event!



ya, that made me laugh out loud,
I did one of those last year. Was sure I broke my nose. Alas, it ended up just being my pride.
The first time I wakeboarded I told my wife to go slower than skiing speed...told her around 20mph....she's used to me doing 30 skiing. Well, another boat starts heading to cross in front of us, and she figures I'd rather not deal with the wake, so she speeds up.....and I catch an edge at 25mph plus.....Like you said, I came up and was feeling my face as I was sure I'd broken my nose, split my lip, lost an eyeball etc!! LOL I joked about it later being like the scene from "Men in Black" when he shoots the alien's head off.... "Do you know how much that stings?" (at 1:00 in)

Unfortunately, this was not even close to my hardest faceplant. I actually took on the hardest faceplant when I was out riding my new 09 Ronix One for the first time. I tried to do a surface switch, but was not use to the longer fins and that sucker catch and I went down faster than ...... I went back home, called the dealer where I made the purchase and returned the board. I then bought the 10 Ronix One along with a set of shorter fins. We caught it on camera and my kids always want to see it over and over and over again.....And each time they crack up until their throats hurt from laughing. Don't I have terrific kids? Lol!
If I remember to look for it later I will post.
Just got around to watching Julians face plant! Ouch! I am sure I will do that this year. Neil I can get up on a wakeboard now so you will have to take me under your wing and show me the right things to do. @OperationROL
Just got around to watching Julians face plant! Ouch! I am sure I will do that this year. Neil I can get up on a wakeboard now so you will have to take me under your wing and show me the right things to do. @OperationROL
Sweet! Can't wait to get together.
In honor of the 2014 Shelbyville gathering I thought I should post the infamous faceplant from 2009.

@OperationROL I can't wait for this year's event!


"Did you say Wow or Oww!!!" he he he!:winkingthumbsup"
Just got around to watching Julians face plant! Ouch! I am sure I will do that this year. Neil I can get up on a wakeboard now so you will have to take me under your wing and show me the right things to do. @OperationROL