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The majestic 2020《SLINGSHOT COASTER》


Jetboaters Admiral
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Orem Utah
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It's here... and I touched it... and. I. liked. It.

We just got a couple of the in stock and I couldn't go to bed until I unpackaged one. The packaging was new... no more bubble wrap. It's safely cocooned in a expanding honeycomb cardboard sleeve. They do an incredible job with their packaging. Once unwrapped I was actually surprised by the differences from the 2019 models.

The most striking difference is the color scheme. The red and orange are striking and the finish is actually a matte rather than gloss. I like it a lot.

The traction pad has changed to what they term to be a corduroy texture mat that's supposed to provide a ton of grip when wet. I see it providing a lot more direct contact with your feet.

It also seemed thinner than I remembered. I only had a 5'0" 2019 Coaster to compare it to which is actually slightly thinner than the 2019 5'3". After comparing the 2, the new 2020 5'3" was actually nearly 1/8" thinner. A part of which comes from the new traction mat being slightly thinner. At it's thickest point using my calipers I read 1.08". I did have to eyeball it a bit.

Was thinner lighter? Maybe. I weighed both the 2019 5'0" and the new 5'3" and they were identical. But I don't have the weight of a 2019 5'3" to compare. I doubt it would equate to more than a few ounces.
This of course made me curious if how it might fit in a wakeboard rack? Here's the answer:
Not quite... although, it would if not for the rubber gripper teeth on the end. If course mine are the wakeboard/surf racks and I don't believe the Yamaha Deluxe Swivel Racks have those extra bits. So somebody buy one if these and test it for me. ?

The last difference is addition of a kick fin. It's small, but it's there and might appeal to those looking to get a little tricky.

I am really digging on the new features. I think there all great ways to makesomething that was already great even better! These boards are all available now on our website. Message me for your jetboaters discount.
Very nice write, thanks for explaining the differences. Couldn’t find this easily anywhere on the web.