My Dad was in Law Enforcement for 17 years. I have an Uncle on my Mom's side that spent his entire career with the Michigan State Police. I have a Cousin on my Dad's side that is doing the same. (Both that uncle and cousin were inspired by my Dad to go into Law Enforcement.) A friend of the family is a Deputy in Milwaukee County.
I can't tell you how much I appreciate what you guys and gals do out there every single day. The stuff in the press is one thing - and you can never seem to catch a break from that bunch - but there is SO much more that no one sees or understands unless they've been there or REALLY talked to someone who has.
When I talk to my Mom, inevitably the topic of the latest news story comes up and she's just sick about it. With they way LEOs are treated by the press, she can't figure out any reason on earth that someone would choose that as a career nowadays. She asked me "Would you want one of the kids to go into Law Enforcement?" Answering honestly (and believe me, I'd be SO proud if any of them did), I have to think I'd dissuade them right now.
You folks put your lives and reputations on the line in a high-stress job making split-second life-or-death decisions and then have to sit there watching these decisions being broken down piece-by-piece by people with all the time in the world to question every word and movement you made. Then they drag you through the mud for all the world to see. And when -as is usually the case- facts come out that vindicate you, a small retraction is sometimes printed on page 19 underneath "Ziggy" but above "Peanuts."
I just can't see encouraging my kids to sign up for that. (And THERE Ladies and Gentlemen is the problem. We don't have enough LEO now. This kind of garbage is going to drive people off of and away from The Job. Then who's going to clean up our messes?)
Sorry for the rant, but like
@BigN8 , I can't take any more of this either.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
There aren't enough Thank You's for what you do.