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Woodbridge Va
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First let me introduce myself Ron (crem8r)
I’ve been on this site for a while now still trying to post but I think maybe I finally got it. great site has really help me out with my new to jet boating problems. Good to know that so many people are still willing to help people out. And share places to go, and people to meet. I’m in the Woodbridge Virginia area and my family really likes the step up to the 2005Yamaha AR 230 I got 3 years ago
If I could pick some one’s brain I have a problem I need to replace my starboard motor on when I try to order it they want to know if it has a slotted or dimpled flywheel I don’t have time to pull it till next weekend and the lead time is cutting close to my vacation. So can anyone please help me dose it matter if it is slotted or dimpled flywheel and is there a way to see it with out pulling motor