In the JetBoatPilot
video above, they have by my account over 1500 lbs of ballast, mostly on the port side.
@DavisAR195 was using 1350lbs.
For our boat, with the weight we have available, we found the following the optimum setup:
- 650 lbs bag on the transom (port side)
- 200 lbs on the rear/ port side floor
- 350 lbs in the ski locker
total: 1200 lbs
Adding 200 lbs on the floor made the difference between me being able to let go of the rope or not. The wake is very sensitive to weight placement and quantity. We will definitely experiment some more. Having 1 or 2 more passengers would probably make a big difference as well.
(passenger 65 lbs, driver is 110 lbs)
We spent about 3 hrs this weekend riding different setups, moving the weight fore and aft and side to side and this was optimal. I could get more weight to port if I put a ballast bag on the port side seat but I like to be able to get to the battery switch). I'm thinking 100lbs lead/steel shot in the corner of the port/rear locker would be ideal. If I had 200 lbs of shot and just the stern 650 lb bag, I would place the stern bag int he middle and then the shot under the bench. I could then fairly quickly change from regular to goofy.
We have a wakebooster. I spent a fair bit of time with and without it and came to the conclusion that the wakebooster definitely improves the wave shape. It does not make it taller, but it cleans up the water and we get a little more push.
We found our best speed (Hydrophase Ridesteady) is 10.7-10.8 mph (GPS).
My daughter and wife certainly could let go of the rope and stay that way all day long and do some tricks. They can slide back, accelerate, move forward and move up and down on the wave. I on the other hand weight 210 lbs. I'm riding a Hyperlite 5' 3" board. I could let go of the rope but the area of the max push is so small that if I fall behind by 6 inches, I can't get back into the push. Also, I have to weight the board forward in such a way that if a wave comes along, the nose goes under. I need a bigger board (we have 3 now, no more shopping this year) or a bigger wave! That being said, I have a ton of fun even with the rope. I can also let it go in the water and if I fall behind I can grab it.
The wave is about knee high for me.
I noticed the boat does take on a bit of water in this configuration. I'm not sure if it's coming in through the cleat or through the stern deck plate. I'll have to tape some areas up and see. Not enough to worry about, but the bilge pump would come on every 90-120 minutes.
I've just realized how difficult it is to take pictures of a wave! The reflection of the water combined with a bright background wash everything out. I wasn't willing to hold my phone over the side. I'll try with a go pro on a stick next weekend.
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Bottom line: The AR190/195 are not wakesurf boats! They are great multi-purpose boats (which is what we purchased ours for) but if you are 90% into surfing and 10% into other boating activities, buy another boat! On the other hand, if you don't mind the rope, have a lighter crew or this is just 10-30% of what you do on the water, you can certainly come up with a setup that is workable.
Costs add up quick:
- RideSteady (worth every penny for surfing, wakeboarding, etc...)
- Yamaha wakesurf package for AR195
- 650 lb transom bag
- 370 lb ski locker bag
- 3 boards for different weight ranges
I think my next purchase will be either 200 lbs of lead bags OR a ballast pump system where I can leave my 200 lb bags in the after lockers and just flip a switch to fill/empty. I'll have to test weight placement a big more. Maybe sand in HomeDepot 5 Gal buckets??
In Canada, the Wakebooster is actually labelled as the WakeEnhancer, which IMHO is a better description. It does not boost the wake size, but it cleans it up.