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Since I only have about a month and a half left in the season I wanted to try something new and buy a Wakeskate. Looking for a recommendation on one. Weight would be 200lbs+. I am looking for something not too expensive that I could hopefully order and get it quickly. Assuming I would just use our Wakeboard rope.

If anyone has one used that would work, even for lighter people for the family I would be interested if you want to sell it and are not using it anymore.
Since I only have about a month and a half left in the season I wanted to try something new and buy a Wakeskate. Looking for a recommendation on one. Weight would be 200lbs+. I am looking for something not too expensive that I could hopefully order and get it quickly. Assuming I would just use our Wakeboard rope.

If anyone has one used that would work, even for lighter people for the family I would be interested if you want to sell it and are not using it anymore.
@2kwik4u is your man, I think his advice was generally the cheapest one you can find :)
Hyperlite Stylus is about the cheapest you can find new. They were around $100 last I checked. I've been riding the same one since 2017 and it's still doing just fine. I looked for one the other day, and I'm not sure Hyperlite is in the skate business anymore. Not sure where to go from there.

Use your wakeboard rope if you have one. If not a cheap AirHead from WalMart will do just fine.

Rides just like a wakeboard, but a little easier to slide/slip on the water. Has a little more "squirrlyness" to it when coming up from a deep water start. If you can ride a wakeboard, you can ride a skate just fine.

When you go to get up, have the driver of the boat put it in fwd. This tiny amount of pull will let you set your feet and get the board perpendicular to the waters surface with the long direction parallel to the water surface. Then "hammer down" and you'll come right up. Stay "squatted" on your feet if you feel it's too "wiggly" when you get going, then stand up from there.

Let me know what else I can answer. I ride mine about 4-5 pulls each time we go out. Love it!
Yep, it looks like Hyperlite doesn't sell those anymore.
Following - what's the advantage of the wake skate over the wake board? Toe sides don't hurt as much?! :D
Following - what's the advantage of the wake skate over the wake board? Toe sides don't hurt as much?! :D
Its less intimidating to try Raleyes because you can let the board fly.

Honestly I would waste my time, I had a friend buy the Hyperlite Stylus last season and we used it a couple times and the wood is already starting to delaminate. Also had a friend that took an old wakeboard and put some skateboard grip tape on it and we used that as a skate and it was more fun than the stylus so that would be my recommendation.
Its less intimidating to try Raleyes because you can let the board fly.

Honestly I would waste my time, I had a friend buy the Hyperlite Stylus last season and we used it a couple times and the wood is already starting to delaminate. Also had a friend that took an old wakeboard and put some skateboard grip tape on it and we used that as a skate and it was more fun than the stylus so that would be my recommendation.

I've had mine 4 seasons, and the edges are a shade rough, but it's far from delaminating. Sucks yours didn't last long.
@J-RAD may have recommendation
I've had mine 4 seasons, and the edges are a shade rough, but it's far from delaminating. Sucks yours didn't last long.
Its all good, I didn't buy it and the buddy that did got a smoking deal on it because they were on closeout @ the local Scheels. He spent 50$ on it.
The board is still serviceable and it was a good buy for the price
I have had no luck finding one.
Looks like Evo has a Liquid Force Focus for $150 but I don't know how it compares to a $350 Ronix.

Have you used the Ronix @J-RAD ? Do you carry it?
Never had a Ronix skate. They sure look nice, and I would love to try a double rocker board sometime. I just don't have the budget in terms of time or cash to dedicate to that level of skate. If I'm gonna drop some coin it'll be on a foil, the skate is just a quick and easy way to get some time on the water behind the boat without disturbing the young ones too much :D

Had a handle and mainline from Ronix years ago. Was easily the most comfy handle I've ever used. I have giant hands, and it was a giant diameter to match, and was a very soft leather feel with a nice cushion under the leather and around the metal inner rod. Had a very very nice feel to it with great traction. The mainline was a "deema" (I think I'm spelling that wrong) synthetic that floated and was zero stretch. Made the experience sooo much nicer despite being pulled by a 4cyl I/O that was hard to maintain speed on. It was $150 though, so there's that.