Your post reminded me of another similar caper from one of my then-toddler kids:
I had a fairly new surround sound system that I proudly showed off to visitors. One day, I noticed an odd sound coming from one of the rear satellite speakers which was mounted on a stand that was maybe 28" tall.
The sound was intermittent and irritated me to no end, but - of course - my wife never heard it and gave me the usual spousal feedback on being a perfectionist/prepping her for new speakers/etc.
One day, I had enough and carefully pulled the terminal box from the speaker back to allow me to inspect the inside of the speaker box. Carefully probing through some batting, I found first one then two and finally three loose objects.
After a total of about 75 minutes of work I eventually liberated two Lego blocks and a small plastic pony body part that had been inserted into the speaker via the port by tiny hands.
My daughter was very apologetic and promised to never do such a thing again (she proved to be good to her word.)
I was happy to have the problem solved but was thrilled to be vindicated that I was not just hearing things.
Sometimes, not often, but sometimes, I really miss the days when my kids were that age. To those JBNers out there in that stage - soak it all in, it goes fast.