@Tom Denion, I'm sorry to hear about your initial impression and problems. For starters, I'm not being sarcastic, but don't bother wasting your time and money with the mechanic that you've been working with. I can't see that any of the forum advice that you've received thus far is incorrect.
I have a 2015 model that has a different hull design, so maybe my insight is not directly applicable. What I can tell you though is that at almost 100 hrs with fresh and some salt water, the only time that I've experienced cavitation is when I got a plastic bottle cap stuck in my impeller. Other than that time and when the boat leaves the water, I experience zero cavitation period, not from a standstill, and not in the most extreme turns.
If I were you, considering that you're mechanically inclined, I'd pull the grates, and look up into the tunnels and see if something doesn't look right like pitting or chips on the impellers, or anything that would impede the smooth flow of water to and from the impellers. Some posts have identified twigs stuck in the impeller that have created cavitation.
Who knows, maybe the time in the salt degraded your grates and tunnel enough to make them cause cavitation, but I don't really have enough experience with that to have a real opinion.
If you're experiencing this problem with both drives, then you might assume that there's a corrosion/wear issue and replace both impellers/wear rings/grates, and be done with it. ... with a mechanic who is certified to work on Yamaha boats.