I wanted to chime in as a guy that was 165 in college, ballooned to 250 in my 30's, and in six months went down to 175 and now currently sit at 190 as a healthy and muscular weight, and just talk about what worked for me.
#1 is calorie counting. Use an app and log everything, everyday, even if it puts you over your budget for the day. This will train you to look at food differently.
#2 is exercise of any kind. I do 5 days at the gym at 4am, but that works for me. Walking / biking / jogging, do whatever you can.
#3 is muscle building. Hit some weights and put on some muscle. Muscle needs more calories to work, so it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy of muscle=weight loss.
#4 be careful with alcohol. It's empty calories and clouds healthy decision making. You do not need to abstain, just drink less and smarter. Also, once you lose weight, be careful drinking like you did at your old weight as it will hit you differently.
#5 do not ever, ever, ever give up. Weight loss and healthy living is a marathon, not a sprint.
#6 is tricky, but pull your wife and family into it if you can. You can do it alone but it adds to your success if everyone is on board.
#7 is F*CK fast food. F*CK soda. Stay away from it all. If you have to eat at a restaurant, go healthy. I have ate taco bell twice in the last three years, both times it disgusted me.
#8 is, again, NEVER GIVE UP. You will do it.
#9 is stay away from cheaters. Supplements / pills / fad diets / gyms that make promises. They will fail you and you will feel like quitting. Weight loss is so simple: Calories in vs. calories burned. Keep it simple and don't get caught up in the next new fad. Don't even bother going to GNC, burn your money on your boat instead.