The way that I look at it is you get what you pay for and you should know what you are buying. A lot of people are trying to determine what that exactly is. It is important to get Facts and repeatable test data to make an informed decision. When you look at the 24', 21' and 19' boats that have been out. The numbers and data points have been repeated over and over again, whether in third party tests or by members and owners on this site..... Which is an excellent source for information. With the new 25's, and new hull/design, they haven't. There is a test or two out there and limited numbers coming from owners as well as conjecture by extrapolation from others.
Everyone has a use case, that may be cruising around at 30 or going WOT or Watersports every day all day. Opinions on how each person uses their own boat are just that personal opinions, but really don't add to the value of finding out the facts and data points of the 25' numbers of speed, consumption, noise, range, etc. These numbers are important to some and will be scrutinized by individuals whom require or would like to see them to make a decision.
It appears initially, after a couple of actual owners here have chimed in, that the BoatTest numbers could be off or perhaps in error as with the db rating that seems incorrect or hard to believe at first pass. Of course it is the only 2021 Yamaha 25' test they have done. Hopefully they will do a second one on a different Normally Aspirated 25' model.
So yes, Top Speed, Range, Consumption, Sound, Space, etc are all important and some things may be more important to some while others could care less. At the very least for the 1.8 HO's, the 250 sx should have the optimum numbers and it will go south from there. How much per each model is yet to be fully explored.
I would very much be interested in hearing more from owners such as
@Stan M and
@tkeru408 as well as others and seeing some tested data points, as I am sure others would.