An informal query about those who have bought new, and bought used. What steered you to the dealer, vs. the used classifieds and vice versa? Were you happy with the route you took? I'm weighing pros & cons of doing either. My previous boat was bought used, with 40 hrs. on it in practically new condition & a year of warranty left. Great times with it and sad to see it go due to a 'hostile shift' in marital status. Now, after a few years, I have the good fortune to be able to afford a boat again used or new. I fear the depreciation of buying new and maybe having to sell too soon. I buy new motorcycles almost exclusively, but always hang onto them a good bit past the day I get the pink slip from the bank, and so depreciation is never a thought. I've been advised to buy used, because specifically the jet boats lose half their value in the first couple years (don't shoot the messenger, please!)
Those who bought new, did you pay cash in full, or partial down & finance the rest? What is the reasoning you used for your approach? There may be obvious explanations for either, but would like to hear from the brain trust of Yamaha jet boaters here.
Thanks for all your input, and for having this site. It's opened my eyes to jet boats, and Yamaha in particular. I never took them seriously before, especially when I had my I/O.
Fire away!