So the monkey on my back for this was very convincing, after reading most of the documentation on the airdog and watching a lot of the videos on their site I placed my pre-order this morning. My rationale being that I want it for the next boating season and with a delivery range of 2Q 2015 the worst case delivery date is June 30th, this assumes they don't push it out past that.
On the home front I chose to give my wife a pre-purchase notice of the pending spend of "our" money. That seemed to go OK but I need to remember to STFU (Shut the F... Up) if she comes home with or a $1,300 bobble of her own is delivered sometime in the next 6 months, I'm not sure if I want a pre-purchase notice or not, especially if it's a purse and/or pair of shoes. When people ask me if I cried on my wedding day I say, "Of course I did, it's not everyday that I give up half my shit (specifically half my future income)."
I'll be on the look out for when they offer extra batteries and floats (in the works according to their site) for sale as I want to have it all ready to go when the copter is delivered. Of course I'll be posting my adventures and mishaps with the new toy here first, hopefully in the context of boating or jet skiing.
My wife may curse you
@Big Shasta but I'm grateful that you started this string, thanks for doing so.