@Julian mentioned, updating your profile with the proper info will help us, as well as you, to give you better info to help with future issues. His link on that post will take you right to where you can make the changes, sometimes it's a pain to hunt down exactly where it is LOL
After you check the pump for blockage, once that's all back up and running (fingers crossed that all is well after that!), on your specific boat, there can be issues with the drain plug fitting in the ski locker that's allowing water in there from below. Your boat will hold quite a bit of water in the bilge itself before the pump will ever kick on, and it's possible that some of that water is what's coming in, in addition to the seal needing replacement. There should be two screws that hold that fitting in, and it's as simple as undoing both of them and removing the drain fitting to check - if there's no sealant on the underside of that fitting, get yourself some sealant and put some on the underside of that fitting.
The other thing to check for your ski locker is to make sure the latch is pulling the hatch snug enough on the seal to compress it. There should be a set screw on the little "ear" that turns under the decking, that can simply be loosened, and screw that ear upwards until it's more secure. I had that issue with mine on the ski locker hatch, as well as the dealer breaking part of that ear off on the cleanout hatch prior to me ever taking possession of the boat.
Good luck!