I will endeavor to explain.
First and foremost my high school buddies are starting in Greece and I am trying to buy a boat. I do have moral vacuum, so I can leave with that, but then Claire and I are endolging on our grid before we even secure our kids college funds. If i was advising a friend, I would say 'get a used 190 and shut up". Because all I need is a 190 to tube the kids and Claire to pictures on the boat and makes her high school friend jealous.
Since I found this forum last week and seen y'all Bimini videos I cannot help to want to go here this year. Seeing that the majority use 240, I wanted to be a copycat and my wife approved the purchase of 40K.
So where is the problem then You say.....
I build statistical risk models for a living, so decisions have to be based on logic not just excitement and desire. What factors restrain me from pulling the trigger?
- What happens if I poop my pants open the way to Bimini? What to I do with 40K boat ? How do I look my self in the mirror without shooting myself? Although truth to be told in July 2017 guns will be illegal in the US, so it impossible for me to kill myself.
- I was naive to believe that the pilot will do the job. And I could put my wife and kids on the prius and tow the boat alone, but where the fun on that or more importantly how to i put others at risk on the highway? Buy a truck. Yes but then we are looking at another 10K. Being irrantial to accomodate another irrantionality, it just never good. 2 negative dont make positive, but a HUGE negative.
- The 190 will fit in our garage, done. The 240 if I want her to stay with us (which I very much do), I will need to re modify our patio/cover area to fit 9 feet beam. That is another 3K on the bucket.
- I have most the money and I get a loan for the rest not a problem, but because I can spend the extra, it does mean that I have to spend it, if i can achieve 99% of what I need on a smaller budget.
So "God" tells me to stick with 190 and I WANT a 240, but unless I can find rational justification, I cannot pull the trigger.
This really old dude once told me, " what distinguish us humans from animal, is that the foundation of their action is enstict and desire, wheareas human's foundation is logic and rational". So unless I find a way to rationalize 240 over a 190, i cannot pull that trigger in good conscience while prioritizing what is best for my family's.
Trust me in statistics we find ways to rationalize everything and I am trying to very hard. And y'all are helping a lot, but the damn catalyst is missing.