I've been waiting to update the status of things until I had become a little more confident in how things were coming together. Things have been going well enough and I'm confident enough that I'd like like to fill you all in and give you the brief back story.
Last season, in my quest to purchase and play on a foil I contacted a long time friend of mine Juli, owner of R7 watersports. I pitched the concept of running a group buy here to members in an effort to 1) help myself get a good deal on a expensive foil 2) help create a profitable situation for her and her business and 3) potentially build a little group interest in the emerging sport I was interested in. As you're most aware the group buy happened and was relatively successful. We didn't quite sell the 10 foils they had for a goal but the total sales of foils and accessories made up for it. I probably annoyed everyone as I tried to generate hype over it... lol! But we got a great deal. Admittedly, given R7's unfamiliarity with the forum I ended up more involved than I'd planned. Besides collecting the money I managing the majority of the process, which was kind of a thrill and a learning experience. In the end I need to thank them for humoring me and me scheme and all those who took part or showed interest.
To make a long story short. R7, as of December 2018, closed its doors to business. I don't know the details as to why, the news of their closing caught me off guard. I can't say enough good things about Juli and her husband and I hope they're on to bigger and better things.
Ever since the time of the group buy a year ago I've had this looming "what if" in the back of my mind... gradually that "what if" has evolved to a "why not". So, without telling my wife, I contacted Slingshot and pitched my business model. I told my wife the next day what I'd done... a few days later after some late night discussions she's now become my web developer and CFO

. We already own a custom cabinet company together which she currently manages those same responsibilities. Slingshot has now enthusiastically agreed to grant us dealer status, we've filed the business with the state, website is near ready to launch, and I'm giddy with anticipation.
I'm waiting until we have everything ready to launch before announcing to the general forum, but I wanted give you all here a update and first glimpse at what is happening.
Transom Watersports "Life's better behind a boat"