So I did mine just 2 weeks ago
Here is how I did it
I cut the new sub into the wall on the back seat
I installed a 3/4 MDF ring behind it for support. I also fiber glassed the ring to help seal it from moisture
Here is the sub mounted in its location
I also finished wiring up all the new switches for the docking light, under water light and interior led lights. LOTS of wire running everywhere used about a roll of 3m tape and a bag of zip ties
I finished mounting my amp and tuning the new 100% JL sound system. Holy cow does it rock. Might need a second battery
My mom the great seamstress she is made me some custom speaker bags for my tower speakers. I am going to try to put the ar230 logo on it but I am having a hard time drawing it. But hey I have time
Finally I put in a remote gain for the sub and installed my new Garlick seat post so I can see over the wind shield with out the bolster