One size does not fit all Yamaha jet boats like it did years ago so as Yamaha keeps making a variety of boats to meet the boating needs of a variety of different boat users like water sport or fishing or pleasure boating etc .
I too will make patented steering to help the variety of boats work better to meet the different needs of the owners .
Now for your boat I basically make the super ultimate ak-19 or the ak-19 deluxe version. Keep in mind I make the only systems that work at all speeds and work at a variety of influence levels to accommodate the needs of different user and I base this on years of feedback and experience.
Also it is important to say that this is my baby I did this 20 years ago when I purchased a jet boat and refused to use it because it did not steer like I wanted it to.
I was so disappointed with it ,I decided to design a steering system for it and if it did not meet my criteria I too was going to do what many people have informed me over the years, SELL IT AND NOT CARE IF I LOST MONEY if the steering upgrade did not solve the problem.
Once I designed and installed the steering I smiled when I drove it and loved how it would outperform any prop boat in the handling department .
I have owned boats since I was 14 and I was 59 when I designed my first jet boat steering system.
I make the only aftermarket steering that will assist you with water sport activities as it increases the steering ability and fills in the voids.
for instance retrieving a downed skier or tuber etc as you try to get to them while slowing down off plane and turning and you loose ALL control of the boat and run them over.
You want to pull tubes but the boat is slow to turn and slinging them is difficult .
You want to hold steady with a wake board or keep control when pulling slalom skiers. You want to stay in control in wind waves and strong currents. And you want the admiral to drive the boat because if she doesn't like boating all is lost.
So for your boat I recommend the super ultimate AK-19 deluxe it is constructed of tempered aluminum it has a variety of adjustments so that you can choose the level of influence you feel meets your needs it is spring loaded however your boat has a keel and rudder and it is FIXED so guess what happens if you slam into a rock or oyster bed, etc. You guessed it the rudder breaks I actually have a customer in Miami who just said forget it after doing just that, now he uses my super ultimate AK 19 deluxe system and the keel and left the rudder off. The advice I will give everyone is do your research and buy your last system first .
And for super steering I only make that version of the fins now because , the boats jet nozzle is out of the water on plane, so all of the fin surface that is above the bottom of the nozzle is not being used when the boat is at plaining speed . only the amount that YOU choose to set below the nozzle will be doing any steering on plane, However when the boat slows down the entire fin is now in the water and providing influence so the boat is predictable and easy to steer in wind waves and current. As for the plaining surface on the deluxe versions they help to get the boat up on plane quicker, they smooth out the ride in chop by pushing down on the bow when a wave pushes up on it and they clean the wake up for water sport activities. If you don't think that the buy direct discount price of only $268.99 with free domestic priority mail shipping from the innovator of aftermarket steering is a good idea Then I would say think again Super ultimate Ak-19 deluxe system
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