For those of you that were following this thread. . . . .
So for those of you following this thread, that have offered your opinion, moral support, or have just enjoyed following along. . . There has been a VERY interesting twist.
Right at the end of the deal, when the finance person reached out to us to discuss how much we were putting down v.s. how much we were financing she conveyed that I was eligible for additional discounts one for military service, and the other due to the fact that I had and active lease at the time of purchase. She emailed me the final figures and it was a cost savings of around an additional $4500 (roughly). This was all the Friday before I picked the vehicle up on last Monday. We get to the dealership, I show a copy of my DD214 (military discharge papers) and a copy of my previous lease agreement. We sign all the paperwork and I take delivery of the vehicle and post about it here.
Then, last Friday I get a call from the Sales manager who was "checking in" to see how the purchase was going so far. But that wasn't the ONLY reason he was calling. He then went on to explain that the Finance person muffed up the paperwork and incorrectly gave me an additional $2300 (roughly) in rebates and that I now owe the dealership more money. My initial thought was after everything I have been through with the other dealer, Jeep HQ, and the dealer experience there is no way your getting another dime out of me. . . . .But then, due to a sense of honor I told him to send me some supporting paperwork and I would take a look at it.
He sent the paperwork (which included a handwritten note on legal pad scanned in) via email LATE Friday after I left for the weekend. I reviewed it over the weekend and found that by his new math they are claiming that I owe them an additional $4500, after initially telling me it was only $2300. Honestly, the incompetence at this dealership is beyond explanation. All of the numbers line up as to what was agreed to the day of signing. . . but his handwritten note tried to use some funky figures to explain the discrepancy.
I had planned on calling him today to discuss the details, and see why there was a change in the amount from our phone conversation and his email a few hours later. . . . But then I came home to another scathing email where he is scolding me and putting the responsibility on me to "do the right thing".
Not only was his email rude and accusatory, but is was formatted poorly and grammatically inaccurate (which angered me almost as much) . . . . . .
I have reviewed the contracts with an attorney friend of mine and for reference, legally they don't have a leg to stand on whatsoever. . . the contracts are signed, sealed, and delivered.
So there are a few nagging questions in my mind that remain......
Considering all I have been through and the nature of this transaction (Exec. Relations Escalation) how is it that you have such a mosh if idiots working on this deal without double and triple checking it for accuracy BEFORE execution?
With his appeal to my sense of "honor and personal responsibility" in his email where he places the entire burden on ME after HIS people screwed up (AGAIN). . . . where is HIS sense of personal responsibility?
Since I was mis-led by the finance person to believe I was eligible for additional incentives, and now they are attempting to take them away. . . . were they simply trying to make more money on the deal and pocket those incentives themselves?
Even IF I believed his reasoning for either his first or second (more expensive) revision (which I don't at the moment) should I be responsible for their "mistake" considering I bought it at the final price that was represented?