My reply:
His Name,
I take issue with so many aspects of your email that I barely even know where to begin. . . . .
First - If you’re going to attempt to correspond with me via email please have someone look it over for proper formatting and grammar. This is not an attempt to insult you, I seriously can barely follow along with how poorly it is written.
Second - The fact that this is coming from what appears to be a personal email address has me quite concerned. This certainly doesn’t help make these claims that you are making appear any more valid. If this is truly official dealership business, then why are you not using the email address from your dealership?
Third - The harassing, accusatory nature of your email is quite troubling. You address me as if I am to blame for this “mistake”, as if I am intentionally going out of my way to screw you over. We both know this could not be further from the truth.
Fourth - When I spoke to Name Redacted we did not discuss the final figures because she was awaiting the final figures from YOU. . . . which I was told she didn’t get until 3/31, and by your email below you claim to have had on 3/27. The only discussion I had with her was regarding how much I was going to put down ($4K in addition to the $1K Deposit) AND the fact that I had a current lease which she advised would reduce the cost of the vehicle further. I did not get the final numbers until the morning of (after several attempts each of the 3 prior days), when she called my home to advise my wife with a reminder to bring in the lease agreement. We never talked about a final finance amount OR a monthly payment until MONDAY when I picked up the car.
Fifth - Your ever changing financial figures. . . . . When we first spoke on the phone on Friday (5 Days after the purchase was completed) you told me that there was supposedly a $2300 “mistake". Unless you are incorrect (yet again) by your NEW math below, it appears that you are now claiming that there is a gap of up to $4791.00? The trade value on the form was exactly what we agreed to ($30K) then below you cite the additional $2300 you got from Marvin. No where are you mentioning the lease promo offer for which I brought in the paperwork, which I believe to be the $2338 reflected on the "Incentives Configurator “.
Sixth - Given the nature of the circumstances with which we came about doing business (you know, a Chrysler Exec. Relations Escalation) your claim that Name Redacted is “just new” and "made a mistake” (if true) speaks volumes about how poorly your dealership handled the situation. Considering I: had to reach out to the owner to get an initial response, had to constantly follow up with you when you failed to meet your commitments with getting back to me, took delivery of a car with black hand prints on the interior doors and dirty drivers seats, and on the day of pickup waited 3 LONG hours (any one of which you could have sat me down to review the paperwork and discuss the “mistake”) I wouldn’t exactly rate the experience consistent with what you tout as your 5 Star Dealer Status.
Since you cited my email whereas I discussed being a fan of capitalism and free markets, maybe you should have looked them up to get a better understanding as to how they function. I came to you, signed a contract, for the agreed upon price which I received prior to us sealing the deal. If you agreed to a price you could not authorize to close the deal that is not my fault, nor is it my problem. You see, I also believe in PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY where YOU are responsible for YOUR OWN actions. . .
The more I look at this the more I get the inclination that you’re attempting to scam me by appealing to my sense of honor. If you feel you have good legal cause to further this discussion, and would like my attorney’s information to do so let me know. Otherwise, any additional harassment pertaining to this matter will be forwarded to Chrysler HQ and the Proper Authorities.
My Name