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Out Foxed by the 5 year old

John McLaughlin

Jetboaters Captain
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Ocean Pines Md
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Our youngest grandson, Alex, who will be 5 in June has been a lover of animals since I can remember. His two favorites are elephants and guinea pigs. He has been trying to convince his Mom and Dad to buy two or three guinea pigs for him but to no avail. So he crafted a plan and asked them if he could have an elephant to keep in the back yard. Of course Mom and Dad said no as the yard is too small and besides who would pick up the large poop of an elephant. He said his Dad and he would help sometimes. Of course Mom said no then with a straight face he turns to both of them and said then let me have guinea pigs they are small and don’t poop a lot.
IMO Mom and Dad fell right into his 5 year old trap. [flag]
