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Ozempic linked to a doubling of sudden vision loss

FSH 210 Sport

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I saw the article linked below this morning and thought I’d pass along to anyone who is considering Ozempic as part of a weight loss program, especially since weight oss could be part of a New Years resolution.

https://www.Blocked Domain/health/o...+JUIJ6dfN/roUsWsXBbFuegqEjMkxWldXAjVV8xH59g==

A quick search of the net showed this story in other news outlets as well.

It is my understanding that this rate of sudden vision loss is not part of the current list of side effects so wanted to make sure all were aware of theis possible risk.

If you or anyone you know is planning on losing weight this next year, avoid using weight loss drugs, weight loss drugs rarely equal long term weight loss only short term.

Focus on your diet, remove sugars-both natural and artificial, with artificial sweeteners being the absolute worst, and grains, this includes the processed grains for liquid libations. Eat a diet of healthy / beneficial fats, protein and greens with moderate exercise to achieve your weight loss goals. Improve your sleep hygiene, going to bed and getting up on a regular schedule, as well as getting plenty of sleep. As well as the other suspect, stop drinking alcohol regularly, and limit your caffeine intake.

Step up to the right side and make a lasting choice.


Once you achieve your goal(s) you can have the occasional treat, mine is a child’s hot fudge sundae mid week, and a single serving of dessert on FDN family dinner night on Sunday.

Was this easy for me? Nope. It was really hard, and it still takes effort but it’s well worth it. Give yourself the gift of better health so you can enjoy boating a lot more.
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So hard for me to quit caffeine while working 24s and having young children 🙃🤣 but always diet or zero sugar if I do. Very true though, weight loss comes from the kitchen the most. My wife lost 10lbs in a month just portion controlling all meals and discipline. We exercise regularly, I’m more of the calisthenics and runner, where she likes her beach body membership.

I’ve heard of gallbladder issues with ozempic as well. I have a nurse I work with that takes it, her teeth look horrible now (not meth mouth), assuming it’s from malnutrition or the med itself. Either way, people lack discipline for the most part IMO.

Thanks for the article!
So hard for me to quit caffeine while working 24s and having young children 🙃🤣 but always diet or zero sugar if I do. Very true though, weight loss comes from the kitchen the most. My wife lost 10lbs in a month just portion controlling all meals and discipline. We exercise regularly, I’m more of the calisthenics and runner, where she likes her beach body membership.

I’ve heard of gallbladder issues with ozempic as well. I have a nurse I work with that takes it, her teeth look horrible now (not meth mouth), assuming it’s from malnutrition or the med itself. Either way, people lack discipline for the most part IMO.

Thanks for the article!
I hear you on the caffeine…I enjoy my two cups of coffee every morning.

This is one of my observations on human behavior in our fast paced high stress world. People drink a lot of coffee to get going and stay going during the day, a lot of times heavily laiden with sugar and or creamers, not to mention energy drinks. Then in the evening they drink alcohol to slow down and counter the affects of the caffeine (and sugar) so they can get to sleep. But that type of sleep is not good as once the alcohol wears off sleep is not good…sooo that leads to a very groggy morning and the need for a lot of caffeine and sugar to get going. A vicious cycle indeed.

Substituting heavy cream for “creamers” that are full of artificial sweeteners and flavorings is a great move. I have that occasionally but 99% of the time I drink my coffee black.

Good for your wife and you! Sounds like you two have a good program going! Keep it up !
Was 228lbs 2 months ago. Stop all breads, red meat, caffeine, sugars, processed foods, unhealthy oils, fast foods. Using health app and smart watch on my Samsung devices, fish 3x a week, plain Greek yogurt, chicken breast's, steamed veggies, roasted veggies, olive oil, salads, etc. Today my weight is 192.2 and I'm shooting for 174 as a goal. It takes a big commitment and constant management but I'm so much happier.
Was 228lbs 2 months ago. Stop all breads, red meat, caffeine, sugars, processed foods, unhealthy oils, fast foods. Using health app and smart watch on my Samsung devices, fish 3x a week, plain Greek yogurt, chicken breast's, steamed veggies, roasted veggies, olive oil, salads, etc. Today my weight is 192.2 and I'm shooting for 174 as a goal. It takes a big commitment and constant management but I'm so much happier.
That is so awesome!!!!!! Well done!
Pretty good article in my on line paper today…

https://www.Blocked Domain/health/i...+JUIJ6dfN/roUsWsXBbFuegqEjMkxWldXAjVV8xH59g==
The American system doing its work. Making you fat and sick and selling you the cures. OZempic side effect? We got another pill or shot to fix that.

I love that half the country refused the COVID vaccine but openly accept Ozempic.
@FSH 210 Sport, are you aware of who is behind the article that you linked to?

As for the study referenced in the article it potentially found as many as 100 extra instances among 424,152 people.

This content is in no way relevant to our forum and would be better expressed elsewhere.
@FSH 210 Sport, are you aware of who is behind the article that you linked to?

As for the study referenced in the article it potentially found as many as 100 extra instances among 424,152 people.

This content is in no way relevant to our forum and would be better expressed elsewhere.

Is this not the general off topic section? As far as I know that means anything goes. Naked girls in the NSFW section is in no way relevant to this forum either.
Bruce, I put it in the general off topic aka non boating section so considerint all of the other non boating stuff; divorce advice, whether or not to get involved in repo’s, employment advice, how to deal with bad neighbors and their kids, vaccines etc that is posted here .

Am I aware of who is behind this article? Yes, Danish researchers who have seen a doubling of this sudden vision loss, from 60-70 cases per YEAR to up to 150.

Here are some quotes from the Danish researchers.

“We found that Ozempic more than doubles the risk of developing NAION,” Jakob Grauslund, professor of ophthalmology at the University of Southern Denmark’s Department of Clinical Research, said in a statement. “It is a condition that can lead to severe and permanent loss of vision.”

Rise in NAION Cases Since Ozempic Introduction​

There has been a marked increase in NAION cases since Ozempic was introduced in Denmark in 2018, according to Grauslund.
“Whereas we used to see between 60 and 70 cases of NAION per year, we are now seeing up to 150,” he said, pointing out that the majority of hospital admissions for NAION are now among patients with Type 2 diabetes.

Similarly, in a related preprint study not yet peer-reviewed, Anton Pottegard, professor of pharmaceuticals at the Department of Public Health at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU), and his team examined new Ozempic users among Type 2 diabetes patients in Denmark and Norway. Consistent with Grauslund’s findings, Pottegard’s team reported that the risk of developing NAION doubles with Ozempic use.

Here are other media stories of the same study.

As far as 100 in 424,152 experiencing this permanent condition, other drugs have had lower ratios of non permanent side affects that resulted in the drugs being removed from availability. As with all drugs and their side affects, everyone should be made fully aware no matter how rare so people can make an educated decision on its use.

Vioxx and Botox come to mind.

There is growing list of published side affects from this drug and I wanted to post this sudden vision loss as a PSA for those considering it’s use, especially since new years is a day away and a very common resolution is weight loss.
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Is this not the general off topic section? As far as I know that means anything goes. Naked girls in the NSFW section is in no way relevant to this forum either.
Hey hey hey...don't bring those NSFW forums into this...they're minding their own business and don't need any undue attention that might endanger them...
Or these 187 pages of certain folks pushing a narrative then closing the thread.
Hey hey hey...don't bring those NSFW forums into this...they're minding their own business and don't need any undue attention that might endanger them...
Apparently I’ve been missing something on this site… 😃
Check the box in your account preferences. Lol it’s overrated.
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FSH 210 Sport is generally spot on (especially when it comes to battery related content)... In this instance though he sounds like the nuns I had in Catholic school. On the other hand, I did end up getting a cataract in one eye, so the nuns were half right I guess :) (Only Catholics of a certain generation will get this...)