I did a recent truss installation. I hired a rigging company to come out. It was actually a welding company that had a decent size crane. guy charge be $90/hour, he was about 30 mins away.
First, I looked at what machines I have at the shop. My whop is 15 minutes away on side roads (not the 60 mph type, the 30 mph type) and we have a pettibone with 44' reach. Unfortunately I found out that the 44' is from the rear pivot point of the boom, not the front axle like I thought. From outside brick it's 25 ish feet to center of the courtyard and where center of beam will be. With the angle needed and the length of cable I would need to drop into the courtyard, my 44' Isn't close.
I asked the steel shop about the small truck crane they sometimes deliver with but the only side accessible for him to get close to the building means he would go through a ditch and hope my yard doesn't rut up too bad.
I have septic across my front yard (600' of it) I have power lines coming to the house in the back, I have the garage to one side, and the easiest side would be where the pool is.
My yard is 150' by 250' with 20' wide and 5' deep ditch along the two sides with neighbors yards along the other two.
I think I will pick up the steel with my buddy's car hauler trailer, get it on the road by the sidewalk, and we need to walk it 20-30' onto rollers on my front sidewalk.
The other option with the trailer is if the yard is dry and we can get the trailer alongside the house which means 25' from back of trailer to front door.
Either way, I think it's time to call in the helping hands aka friends for some beer, pizza, and oh yeah, bring gloves, lol I have done enough favors in the past that I am sure I can get at least 8 people to eat my food!
A crane would need to reach approximately 150' from road to center of beam placement which means the small cranes are out of the question.
My and my big ego says NO PROBLEM!
I should have done this before the new front door, lol