@mdchachi Not even for a second lol

! No regrets at all, only gratitude.
Truly, I think I just got lucky; the guy wanted the boat despite the probs (just as I did when I bought), but all those other callers? Who knows, we could have been making trip after trip to Peterborough showing it, and nobody committing.
I only had a very short time frame to deal with it, so if there wasn’t a quick turnaround, the next step was to put it online offering a tidy sum of cash and hoping someone with a farmer’s field or something would pick it up. That is, if I didn’t get any kind of resolve from City Hall. I began calling at 9am that morning, and left a number of msgs, never did hear bk from them, though I was told that they had received my msgs; I called as soon as the boat was officially signed over and left a msg that the boat had been dealt with, so they must have received that msg, and no need to call me.
I found only one place in this area that recycles old boats, and they wanted $1,200 plus tax to pick up the boat at the ramp, but I would have had to get the boat across myself. So that was out. I did have a place I could have left the boat at until next Spring so that wasn’t a problem, but there really wasn’t any point in it; better to just take it straight to landfill which charges just under $100 per ton, plus tax. You just roll it off the trailer onto their machine, and it crushes it. That would have been interesting to see!!
Anyway, landfill was a lot cheaper than recycling, and not too bad if I had just had to pay the $300 for the tow across water and trailering it out to the site. I would have been happy with that. But with the guy upping the price last minute, ain’t being able to find someone else, I was completely lost. I’m glad that I don’t have to think that I might have been forced to pay his marked-up fee!
As it is though, I’m very happy, ecstatic even with the way things turned out!!! Huge smiles!! Mega thx for your support through this

Truly don’t know what would have happened if I hadn’t come in here.