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To follow Dean's lead, I'd like to see the underlying data here, otherwise it's just propaganda.I read a private message by our family friend, a long time family practitioner, a neurologist by subspecialty, living and practicing in one of the midwestern states. He was my wife's former high school swim team member in Tulsa, OK, she said this is the first time ever she had seen him post anything about covid.
I find it poignant; do we still belong in so called "developed world"? I'm honestly not sure.
This is his post:
"This information is too preposterous not to share. This is the kind of shit the medical profession has to deal with: My home town ER #1 reason for an ER visit last week - Covid 19 (no surprise and has been the case for 2 months now), but the new #2 reason for an ER visit----- Ivermectin overdose! I just wish I was kidding "
Are you really stating that maintaining a healthy weight, exercise regimen, smoking cessation and other factors that promote lung health, personal hygiene and nutrition have no bearing on the severity of a COVID infection? Follow the science indeed...Because there isn't any. Why do you think there are? There is no magic bullet. People like being noticed and apparently will do anything to get there. I'm sure if the science was there to back it up we'd all join the bandwagon. But, it's not...
You can’t do anything meaningful about those factors in two weeks, which is about how long it takes the vaccine to work.Are you really stating that maintaining a healthy weight, exercise regimen, smoking cessation and other factors that promote lung health, personal hygiene and nutrition have no bearing on the severity of a COVID infection? Follow the science indeed...
That's a strawman - If I was in a high risk group, and knew I was going to get COVID in two weeks, I'd get the jab. Of course, maintaining an unhealthy lifestyle would likely result in dying of heart disease, lung cancer, diabetic complications, etc. before departing this mortal coil due to COVID complications.You can’t do anything meaningful about those factors in two weeks, which is about how long it takes the vaccine to work.
That's a strawman - If I was in a high risk group, and knew I was going to get COVID in two weeks, I'd get the jab. Of course, maintaining an unhealthy lifestyle would likely result in dying of heart disease, lung cancer, diabetic complications, etc. before departing this mortal coil due to COVID complications.
Absolutely agreed! But the lifestyle choices I'd stated above do certainly correlate to higher incidence of those diseases.I understand your point about maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Please note, however, that not all heart diseases, lung cancers, or diabetes are caused by unhealthy lifestyles.
It’s not a strawman at all. You’re proposing something that takes a year or much more for seriously unhealthy people as though it’s some type of alternative to the vaccine.That's a strawman - If I was in a high risk group, and knew I was going to get COVID in two weeks, I'd get the jab. Of course, maintaining an unhealthy lifestyle would likely result in dying of heart disease, lung cancer, diabetic complications, etc. before departing this mortal coil due to COVID complications.
@tabbibus, I think we all respect your strong passion about this topic. What city is your hospital in?
I don't know if you're dealing with a regional issue, but there is rising evidence that hospitals globally aren't seeing the same thing you are, and that the vaccinations could be provoking the situation. Locally, I hear first hand accounts from people in our hospital system that they aren't being inundated with the unvaccinated. It's also perplexing that we're also seeing about as many press reports that say that hospitals are bursting with unvaccinated cases as reports that show the contrary. Several times a week we're seeing fully-vaccinated sports personalities benched due to Covid19 infections. Now, we're starting to see numerous press reports of Israel, arguably the MOST vaccinated and herd immune country in the world becoming a hotbed of breakout cases.
Inside Israel's recent outbreak: Why mostly vaccinated people are testing positive
The first country to reach vaccine herd immunity has seen a recent rise in cases, mostly among vaccinated people. What does this mean? What’s going on?www.deseret.com
Most Hospitalizations In Israel Are 'Vaccinated'...Breakthough Infections Skyrocketing - Tsionizm
Perhaps investigators should look at relationships between Israeli government officials and big Pharma.tsionizm.com
Honest question.Show examples. I keep seeing you and others say I post misinformation. Where?
I’m not antivax and never acted as such. I got vaccinated. I agree it helps and better than the alternative. I also agree with individual rights. These are the views I’ve shared plenty of times. That doesn’t mean I can’t have concerns with what I put in my body. That’s the concept I think some of y’all are having a hard time grasping. There are many people like myself who took the vaccine but can still have reason to worry. It’s is not just 2 sides of pro vaccine and anti vaccine.
@tabbibus, I think we all respect your strong passion about this topic. What city is your hospital in?
I don't know if you're dealing with a regional issue, but there is rising evidence that hospitals globally aren't seeing the same thing you are, and that the vaccinations could be provoking the situation. Locally, I hear first hand accounts from people in our hospital system that they aren't being inundated with the unvaccinated. It's also perplexing that we're also seeing about as many press reports that say that hospitals are bursting with unvaccinated cases as reports that show the contrary. Several times a week we're seeing fully-vaccinated sports personalities benched due to Covid19 infections. Now, we're starting to see numerous press reports of Israel, arguably the MOST vaccinated and herd immune country in the world becoming a hotbed of breakout cases.
Inside Israel's recent outbreak: Why mostly vaccinated people are testing positive
The first country to reach vaccine herd immunity has seen a recent rise in cases, mostly among vaccinated people. What does this mean? What’s going on?www.deseret.com
Most Hospitalizations In Israel Are 'Vaccinated'...Breakthough Infections Skyrocketing - Tsionizm
Perhaps investigators should look at relationships between Israeli government officials and big Pharma.tsionizm.com
- The vast majority of people are vaccinated. Hence the pools from which the population will come are skewed. Mathematically it is more likely that a vaccinated patient will be sick than unvaccinated just because they have so few unvaccinated people. Not because the vaccine does not work. Again, see reason #1
Yeah, that would be interesting. But no one wants to poke a baby. haha.My wife got her 2 pfizer shots early in her 3rd trimester, and we welcomed our first child into this world on 8/8. My wife had no complications, and neither did the baby. It's a great peace of mind knowing that some level of immunity did transfer to the baby, but I would like to see an antibody test for my own curiosity to see how effective the pfizer shot was at passing antibodies. I'm sure there are varying results so far.
My wife got her 2 pfizer shots early in her 3rd trimester, and we welcomed our first child into this world on 8/8. My wife had no complications, and neither did the baby. It's a great peace of mind knowing that some level of immunity did transfer to the baby, but I would like to see an antibody test for my own curiosity to see how effective the pfizer shot was at passing antibodies. I'm sure there are varying results so far.
Congrats on the new baby! That's awesome.My wife got her 2 pfizer shots early in her 3rd trimester, and we welcomed our first child into this world on 8/8. My wife had no complications, and neither did the baby. It's a great peace of mind knowing that some level of immunity did transfer to the baby, but I would like to see an antibody test for my own curiosity to see how effective the pfizer shot was at passing antibodies. I'm sure there are varying results so far.
It’s not a strawman at all. You’re proposing something that takes a year or much more for seriously unhealthy people as though it’s some type of alternative to the vaccine.
Yes, being healthy is obviously good and would probably reduce the impact of covid on most people. It’s not a realistic solution for a highly contagious disease that’s already out there spreading though.
If your doctor wasn't already pushing all of this before the pandemic, you need a new doctor! Does all of that help....YUP. Does it provide the protection that any of the 3 vaccines available in the US provide....nope. There is a long list of things we all can do to be more healthy. There are 3 vaccines that are highly effective at preventing death and hospitalization from Covid.My point was, why is none of this being pushed?